Chapter 28.) She is so beautiful

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Meet Evelyn,Sophia,Flack. Born on March tenth two thousand and twenty one.

This is Blake's last name if, I never said before. If I have and it's wrong let me know please. I have to edit this book anyways.

Blake's p.o.v.

Rose is still going threw surgery while, I'm seeing my baby girl and let me just say, she is so beautiful. She has bearly any hair but, it looks to be a light brown. She is sleeping away on me when, the nurse comes in to tell me that, Rose is out of surgery and doing good so fare but, she is still sleeping.

I walk into her room holding onto my baby girl... As I sit down, Rose starts waking up. When she looks around her eyes lands, on us and they relax. She looks like she is about to cry so, I held our baby out to her and she speaks up.

"She is so beautiful and you look good holding her. She said, with tears rolling down her face.

"Thank you mate and she looks like you". I told her.

She takes Evelyn from me and holds her like she would lose her... As I am sitting there watching her with our daughter, I get a little terry-eyed so, when I wiped my eyes to keep them at Bay, she tells me. " I seen that". I laughed at her.

Two days later we are on our way home from the hospital and Rose is sitting in the back with Evelyn. She looks so happy and it makes me feel good inside that, she is finally happy.

My mom is in love with Rose, she keeps telling me how, I need to try to get her back. "I'm trying everything that, I can". I remember telling her.

I looked up at Rose and our little girl and smile at them, She was playing with out daughters fingers and talking to her.

Two days later

We get to bring our baby girl home, after being in the hospital for a few days. She had to stay for two days because, they had to make sure nothing was wrong with her... As I open the door to my house, We are surprised by, the living room having a welcome home, sign. I look to see my mom with a cake that said, welcome home family. I look over at Rose, who looks on the vers of tears. She walks up to my mom and gives her a hug, then tells her "thank you".

We enjoyed the cake and after we was finished, I went to do the dishes and when I was threw, I'm about to leave the kitchen, when something out of the corner of my eye, catches my attention. I walk over to the counter and pick up, the big envelope, that had Rose's name on it. I walk into the living room to give it to her but, she wasn't in there.

"We're did Rose go?". I asked my mom who is watching tv.

"She took Evelyn to her room, to give her a sponge bath, why?". She asked looking at the envelope.

"I found this on the counter, with her name on it, do you know who dropped it off?". I asked.

"No! It was there when, I got home from work so, I just put on the counter and forgot about it". She said while looking back at the tv.

Something was off about her actions and the way she said that but, I didn't push it though, I wonder what she is hiding from me... As I am heading to Rose's room, I hear her say "good night love you".

When I get into her room, I'm about to walk into her bathroom when, I hear her talking to our daughter.

"I am going to love you unconditionally, no matter what. I will never leave your side". She was saying and that melted my heart.

I walk into the bathroom just as she was getting, Evelyn out of the tube.

"Hey! Do you want me to take her for you?". I asked holding my arms out for her.

"If you want to, thank you". She said, handing her over to me.

"Umm! I found something sitting on the counter for you". I said, handing over the envelope to her, while taking Evelyn from her.

When she knows that I have her fully in my arms, she lets go of her and takes the envelope from me... As I am standing there watching her opening what ever is inside of the envelope, she cute her finger and blood starting to come out but, she didn't quite opening it.

She gets it finely open and reads the letter, when I see a tear coming down her face. I go to grab her when, she takes off running.

I pick up the letter that, she had dropped and read it. The letter said.

I killed your parents and if you don't give me my baby, your boyfriend is next if he tries to stand in my way, of getting what belongs to me. I miss you baby and I can't wait to have you and our daughter in my life. Oh and I advise you not to put up a fight because, his mother will die first, nice and slow, while he watches the whole thing.

I look up at my mom and see her in tears.

"What did they tell you?". I asked my mom.

"They told me to give them up, or they will kill me". She said, while crying.

"I will not let that happen, to any of you". I said, grabbing my mom to hold her.

I go find rose sitting on, her bed and sit down next her... As I am about to hug her, she grabs me and want let me go. I try to hug her the best that I can but, I have our daughter still in my arms so, it's kinda hard.

"Why me? Why them?". She asked, about an a minute later.

"I will fight for you, you have nothing to worry about and I am so sorry about your parents". I said, while holding her.

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