Chapter 20.)I'm sorry

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Rose's p.o.v.

I lay awake thinking about what happend today, that is until, Luke comes in and messes things up even more.

"How was today?". He asked, an a funny tone.

"Why do you care?, you and who I thought liked me, for me made a bet, on me. How do you think, today went?". I said with so much anger that, I thought I seen him flinch, just a little.

"Don't fucking get that tone with me. I know something that, you thought, you could hid from me". He said, while crossing his arms and I new, he knows about, me and Blake going to the doctors today.

"Yeah! So what if I did?". I said, getting tired of being pushed over.

He backed handed me, knocking me backwards onto my bed. All I could feel was blood going down my chin. Then he claims on top of me and rips my shirt open and looks down at my small baby bumb. He bins down to kiss it but dosen't stop there. I couldn't help but like it for a minute until, realization kicks in and I know its not Blake doing it. I try to shove him away but, nothing worked.

When he was threw with me, he gets up to get dressed and walks out of my room so, I take that chance to go into my bathroom and find my razer, then start cutting my wrists... After I was done, I go over to my bathtube and run me a hot bath.

I get done taking my bath an hour later and just when, I get up to wrap a towel around me, Luke comes in with a smile on his face. (Wonder what he is smiling about, oh wait. He got what he wanted, from me.

~The next day~

As I'm walking threw the halls very slowly, I feel this pull on my arm so, when I was about to look up to see who it was. The person had dragged me into an empty, classroom.

"Listen to me before, you try to run out, please?". Blake said.

"Why should I? You made a bet on me, for what?". I said, with anguer in my voice.

"I'll explain it to you but, please hear me out?". He said, with so much hurt in his voice.

"Fine! Speak, but if its not a good excuse. Then count me walking out". I said.

"Okey! The reason that I made a bet on you is because, my mom and I need the money. She got into a wreck because of me and I blame myslef, everyday for what happened to her. I was a party with my firends and got into a fist fight with some guy and the cops got called so, she had to come up to the police department but, she never showed and I was wondering why but then, one of the police officers came up to me and told me that she was in a car wreck and didnt know if she would make it. He let me out to take me to the hospital, she was in and I lost it. She had a concussion and some head injuries. Her leg was broke and when she woke up, she barley remembered anything. They said that it could take a while for her to get her memories back but, she never did and I'm just glad she remembers me. We are in hospital deep from that day, its been about a year since and I'm trying to get money anyway that, I can to help her out". He said, with tears in his eyes.

"Thats so sad but, that still don't give you the rights to make a bet, on someone just to get money. You don't understand how badly, that hurts people. When people like you that dosen't even now, what others are going threw to. Maybe you should find a different way to get the money, not using people to get what you want. I'm really sorry for your mom and all but, thats not fare to others, to play games on them just to get what, you want". I said with, sowrrow.

"I know and I feel really bad for it. Can you ever forgive me?". He said, with hope.

"I don't know but, I can't be here right now. Please just let me go". I said.

"Are you Okey though?". He asked me, while trying to huge me but, I push him away.

~play the song~

"LOOK AT ME, DO I LOOK OKEY TO YOU?". I yell at him.

"I'm sor-". He tried to say but, I cut him off.

"No! I am not Okey. I need you to see that, you will never understand how hard it is to say this to you but no, I am never going to be okey. All I think about is just diying, to get this hole thing over with. I have so much to say but, I have noone to talk to, or to run to so, I feel like noone will ever understand why, I'm so quite or not a people person, its because of this". I said, pulling up my shirt and my pants legs, to show him my bruises and cuts.

"I can't do this anymore". I said, falling down to the ground.

"Oh baby come here. I am sorry for everything". He said but, I get up to try to run but, arms grabbed me.

"Listen to me ok?". He said, while holding me.

"Fine!". I said, with tears going down my face.

"I will help you out of this, just please don't give up on us?". He said, while holding me back, from running out the door.

"I'm sorry Blake, but this is the best for both of us, I'm over you so, please let me go." I said.

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