Chapter 17.)Such a fuck up

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Blakes p.o.v.

When I was listening to there conversion, I couldn't belive what I was hearing and what he said he would do to her. After they had hung up with each other, I asked her.

"Why the fuck did you not, tell me about this?". I said,while nocking stuff down off, of my dresser.

"I am sorry. You two seem like you was good friends. I didn't want to ruin, a good friendship, by telling you that your friend, has been rapping me since you two has been talking". She said, with tears going down her gorgeous face.

I don't like seeing her cry but I can't help being angry because, she should have fucking tould me about it and she is fare wroung about use being friends, we are not friends, just have a bet going and obviously, he knew who she would pick so he took advantage of it.

"Rose! If you would have told me, about this a long time ago then, I could have stopped it". I yelled at her not meaning fir her to flinch away but damn, how could she let this happen to herself.

"I am sorry, okey". She said, while running pass derick who was just, know walking in.

"Hey-". He tried saying but, she kept running.

"Rose! I didn't mean to upset you more". I said right before, I hear the front door shut.

I feel real bad now because of what she gose threw everyday.

"What hell was all of that about, man?". I hear Derick say, while all I can think about is, (what is going to happen to Rose).

"She didn't tell me that she was getting rapped, ever since I made that stupied fucking bet". I yell at at him, not meaning to.

"I thought you called that fucking bet off". He yelled back at me.

"I tired mate. He knows to much of me and will use it against me". I tell him, while trying to calm down but, I can't.

"So fucking what if he knows to much about you, you are going to hurt her way worse then anything when she finds out and I don't want to be a part of it. She is to kind for that". He said while walking out and slamming my door shut.

(Man why do I have to be such a fuck up for). I thought to myself.

I go to walk out my bedroom door when, I get a text from (Luke)? Why would he be texting me?

                      ~text massages~

~Luke~ Be warned, Your girl might be nocked up and belive me, she felt good on my dick. I know she was with you and thats why she had me on speaker, just so you can hear what I was saying.

That did it for me, I'm going to kill him when I see him again.

~Me~ What the fuck, did you do to her?.

~Luke~ Oh you know, I tought her a lesson not to disobey me, ever again. I beat her until she was unconscious them, I fucked the shit out of her while she was pasted out. (Oh and without a condom this time but, all other times when I had her, I used one but this time, nope.

~Me~ you are a sick fuck, just wait until I see you again, or better yet. I'll come find you.

~Luke~ Oh! I'm so scared (NOT).

                  ~End of text~

I didn't reply to him because, I'm going to gather my boys up, if they will hell me and go after them both. We just have to come up with a plan first.

I call the guys up and they come threw for me so, we are all in my living room, going over what the plan is until, one of them says.

"If she finds out about the bet, she will give up". Mason said.

"I know". I said, while standing up.

I walk out the back door, just to be alone for a minute until, I hear someone come up behind me.

"I didn't mean what I said earlier, its just, she is going to be torn apert worse them ever because, she trusts you more then anyone and your letting her down". He said, while patting my back before trying to walk away but, I stop him.

"I really do care about her, mate. Its just this hole time, I was so worried about her chooseing him but, now I know what is really going on. He is making her do things, while making me belive she wanted him this hole time". I said with, actruly tears going down my face and I never cry about anything.

"I know you do man and that is why, you need to tell her, the truth, no matter if it hurts you but, in the end it will only hurt her, more then anyone will ever know". He said.

"I know and thanks mate". I said, turning to look out at the night sky, hoping Rose is ok.

I walk back into the house about an hour later, the guys was still here so, we talk for another hour and it was getting late so, we just called it a night.

We get up in the ealry morring to get ready for school. When we head out to my car, I forget something and had to run back in to get it... As I'm about to head out of the door, I see something that made me stop.

She dropped her phone while running out the door yesterday so, I pick it to take it with me, to give to her at school.

When we get to school it is so packed to where, we had to park in the way back. I walk into the school hopeing to see Rose but, shes not here(maybe she will show up later and just running late). I thought but then, I remember the text and I ran out of there.

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