Chapter 30.)Finely free

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Rose's p.o.v.

It's been two years almost three, since Luke and them has been locked up, I haven't felt this grate for a long time and our daughters third birthday party is today so, we are getting ready for that and I can not believe she is three today (we're is the time going). I think to myself... As I was getting Evelyn ready, I feel hands around my waist and look back to see Blake and yes, we are dating again after, everything was said and done and I knew that he would never hurt me again so, when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes.

"You almost ready?". He said, while looking at our daughter, "you look so beautiful, my sweetie". He said.

"Yes! she is my love". I said, putting the bow in her hair.

What he doesn't know is that, I have a surprise for the both of them... As I was walking out with our daughter and Blake, all I can think about is how my life, has changed. The day we met, to the day we had our daughter and the day we all graduated... As I was walking, I about tripped on over my own foot.

"You okey? What was you thinking about, that made you almost trip?". Blake said, trying not to laugh.

"Just everything, that has happened in my life, to now and how I am finally happy". I said, truthfully.

"Well! I am so glad to hear that". He said, while giving me a kiss.

We make outside, were everyone was already waiting.

Blake's p.o.v.

I walk into Evelyn's room, to see if they are almost ready because, everyone is already outside waiting on them but, something is different about her. She has been being acting secretive, here lately. I've been trying to keep a secret myself, from her as well but, since everyone will be here, I can finely, pop the question to her. My boys already know because, they went with me, so I can pick on out.

Rose was talking to people and enjoying herself and I love to see this side of her, were she seems like nothing has ever happened to her. Laughing and just being herself, for once.

While she was busy hanging out and talking to my mom, I sneak out to go get what, I bought and on the way out of mine and Rose's room, I see something that caught my eye, (what is this). I think so myself then it hit me, It's a pregnancy test with two lines. (Oh wow this is what she is trying to hide). I thought.

I go back outside and play it off like I didn't find anything and hoping she will tell me. I'm walking over to her and see Jake give the look, that he knows what I am about to do and get the rest of there attention.

"Can I please have everyone's attention, there is something, My buddy would like to ask, his beloved girlfriend". He said and I laughed.

I walk up to her and tell her how beautiful she looks, then I get on one knee and tell her how much she means to, she already had tear in her eyes before I could even ask her, my question.

"So with all of this being said, will you become my wife?". I asked her.

"Yes! Yes I will and now, I have something to tell you all also, I'm pregnant". She said and that brought tears to my eyes because for one, she told me and for two, she said yes.

"I have one thing to confuse. I found the pregnancy test, just before, I came out here so, I was waiting to make sure it was really yours before saying anything". I said.

We enjoyed the rest of the night all the way up until, Rose got a call from a police officer.

~On the phone~


"Yes! We are looking for a Rose McKnight".

"Yes this is her".

"Well, we have good news and bad news for yeah".

"What's the bad news?".

"Well! Luke has broken out of person but, don't worry, we will find him".

"And the good news is?".

"We found your uncle, he is dead. He had gotten into a fight with the wrong person and they ended up shooting and killing him".

"Wow! That is good news, thanks for calling me and please keep me updated if, you find him".

"We will mam".

"Thank you".

I told Blake everything about what they had to say and he is worried about Luke coming around but, glad that we don't have to dill with my uncle anymore.

~ four Months Later~

It has been four month since our baby's girls birthday party and I got the call. We have a baby appointment today so, I am currently getting ready for that... As I am putting on some lipgloss, Blake comes in with a ready Evelyn and laughing at what she was doing. I walk up to them and give them both hugs and kisses but before, I could walk away, he pulls me back for a second kiss.

We are heading to the doctors when, some guy steps right in front of us, making us have to step on the brakes quickly. I was about to get out and check on him but, Blake pulled me back telling me that he will check it out, he gets out and gose around to the front but, not before getting hit in the face. The person turned around and I seen his face (oh no, not him). I thought so, I hurry and get to my baby girl in the back set. He tries to come in but I kick him in the face and knock him back out so, that gives Blake time to get him while; I am on the phone with the police. They come to arrest him but, he pulled out a gun and they had no choice but to shoot him. I look out the window and she him not moving and I knew, he was dead and that I can Finley be free.

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