Chapter 8.)Meating his friends

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Blake's p.o.v.

I picked up my buddy's on the way to school, like I do every morning but, we took a different way to school this time and when I see someone walking down the side walk, it looks like Rose so, I slow down enough to make for sure that it was before stopping and asking her.

"What are you doing walking?". I said, while, my friends are trying to, look at her.

She kept walking so I get out of my car and run to grab her by the arm, not hard but, softly.

"Please talk to me". I said, with pleading eyes.

She grabs her phone to do something on it but when, I hear it talking, I knew what she was doing now. She is communicating with her phone.

"No!". The phone said.

"Please?". I said, while looking at her with sad eyes.

"Fine! What do you want". The phone said.

"Well! Do you want a ride? and I'll tell you". I said, while opening the passenger side and making Mason, get into the back seat.

"Are you sure?". She said, while looking down at her shoes.

"Well yes. I wouldn't have asked if, I wasn't". I said, while joking about the last part.

'Okey!". She said, then walks over and to my car and get in.

When I get into the driver's side to start the car back up, I look over at her and there is something off about her today. She didn't seem to have much energy today... As we was heading to school, I introduced her to my friends and they liked her.

"Hey!". Mason said, while holding out his hand, to her.

"What's up, beautiful". Jake said.

"What's up". Nole said.

"Nice to meat you, all". Her phone said.

"So is that how, you talk to people now?". I asked her while, keeping an eye on the road.

"Yes". Phone said.

I would really love to hear, her voice but, this is all we get... As I'm driving I hear one of my friends, ask her to tell them a little bit about her self and they will do the same. I listen in while she tells them that, she is the only child and that her parents are always gone and that her uncle, is practically raising her. I felt bad for her that her parents are never around for her, it seems like. The guys tell her about them self's and she seems to lighten up a little bit, around them. When one of the guys says something funny and I hear her laugh it dose something to me. Her laugh is so beautiful that, I wish it was me that made her laugh.

I pull into the schools parking lot and my car, in the way back. When I step out of the car to go around and open the door for Rose, she was already stepping out of the car before, I could get to her.

We walk threw the parking lot to head inside the school but, Rose stops in her spot and not moving a muscle. She looked so scared and I wonder why so, I follow her line of vision and found out why she looked scared. There stood the guy that, I mad a bet with starring at her with an evil smirk, on his face and that made me pissed to where. I grab her hand letting her know that, I am here for her. She seemed to ease a little bit, under my touch that, made me glad.

"Hey! That's the guy that tried-". Masom tried saying but, I cut him off.

"Why do you look so scared?". I cut him off, by asking Rose that.

She shakes her head then runs off without us. I look at the guy and he looks like, hes smiling about that. I walk up to him, then asked him what was that all about?. He just shrugs then walks away that, really made me pissed.

"The fuck was that for?". Mason said, sounding pissed off because, I cut him off.

"I don't want her to know that, he wanted to make a bet on her". I said, not looking at them.

"Why the fuck not?". He said, crossing his arms and leaning on the staircase.

"Because! I mad the bet". I said, sounding really bad about it.

"YOU DID WHAT?". He yelled at me, while standing straight up.

"Look Jake is right, I do need the money and you know why". I said, while look at them all in the eyes.

"Yeah well this is wroung. She seems like a nice girl and your going to runin her even more then, what she already seems to be". Mason said walking away.

"He's right man and you know it". Nole said.

"Yeah man this is wroung". Derick said.

"After I seen what she looks like man and yeah, she seems like she's already going threw enough, shit. I even feel bad for saying that". Jake said, making me look bad.

"Yeah well, it's already a done deal, I can't back out of it know, you know how I hate losing". I said.

I was walking to class when I'm stopped by a sound coming from, an empty classroom. I go check it out but all I see, is two people making out so I didn't think anything of it and walked out.

When get into the class room I notice Rose is not, in here yet. ( wait! No it, can't be) I thought as I run, out of the room and back to that room but, It was empty... As I was walking back to the classroom, I see her walking slowly down the hallway.

"Hey! Why are you walking so slow?". I asked her as, I get up to her.

She punched something into her phone and it spoke "nothing! Just being slow today).

"Okey". I said and walked with her to class because, if she's going to be late, so will I.

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