Chapter 10.)Noone cares

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Rose's p.o.v.

I was up all night because of Luke. He kept me all night by, not leaving me alone. He was either raping me or just mad about something that, I was doing wroung.

As I was getting ready for school the next day, my uncle comes into my room letting me now, that he is back in town by, slamming my head into my bathroom door.

"Luke told me you kept him up, all night". He said.

I try to shake my head but here comes Luke, walking out of the bathroom like he just got done, taking a shower... As I am about to walk into the bathroom to take a shower, here comes in Luke, to watch me.

~ Trigger warring~

He leaves after a while so I take that time, to get out my razor and cut two deep cuts onto my wrist, not deep enough to were, I'm hitting any veins but just deep enough, to were it will leave scars.

~End of it~

I get out after a while then bandage up my wrist. Then I go to my closet to get some close out, to put on after I dry myself off... As I am doing so, here walks in Luke to try to say something but, then he licks his lips and come up to me. I don't fight this time because for one, I don't have enough energy and for two, I'm tired of fighting.

I get to school and here someone yell my name so, I trun around to see who it was and it was Blake. I texted him earlier because, I was board and since Luke kept going in and out of my room so, I thought that I could text him to see, what he was doing.

I seen the look on his face and dropped my face down, since I was in a big hurry to leave the house, I forgot to cover up the bruises around my eyes and the busted lip. I knew you could see them but, I was out of school for a week just because, of Luke being at my house today, I was finely able to come back and was happy to get away from him and my uncle for a while even though, he dose go to the same school, I only see him when, he wants me to in school.

"Who fucking did this to you?". Derick, Blake's friend said.

I shake my head not giving anything away. I know they can see the bruises and cuts here and there but when, they ask me about it, I tell them I'm clumsy.

"No! You can't tell us nothing". Blake says right before, Mason was going to say anything.

I run off before they can say anything else to me. (Why would they care, noone cares about me). I thought as I keep running.

~Play song~

I kept runnin until I'm at my house, I didn't see any cars in the driveway so, I run in and grab a bottle of liquor that, my uncle kept in the fridge. I run back out of the house and down the road. I came to a stop, in a wooden area and come upon a cliff. I sit down for a bit and take out the liquor that, I put in my bag and drank some, it tasted nasty but, the more I drank, the better it tested. I kept thinking of why my life, is so fucked up and why people treat me, the way they do... As I stand up all that keeps running threw my head is, would anyone care of I just jump off right here, right now or, would anyone cry, at my funeral. I knew better then that, because noone cares for me. I didn't know that, I was crying until, I feel a tear going down my cheek.

"Your worthless".

"Noone will ever love you".

"Your nothing but a period girl".

"Your a slut".

All of these things kept going threw, my mind until, I couldn't take it anymore. I take the last bit of the alcohol left and downed it, then step up close to the cliffs edge and jumped

Blake's p.o.v.

I am sitting in my living room when someone knocks on my door. I get up to answer the door and it was one of my friends.

"Dude! Did you hear?". Mason said.

"Here what?". I said, while looking confused.

"They found her". He said.

"Found who?". I said, while look at him with questioning face.

"Rose man, they found her". He said, while getting impatient with me.

"What? Where at?". I said, getting my shoes on.

"They found her unresponsive by the side of the cliff". He said, as we both run out to my car.

"Dose the others know?". I said, while starting my car.

"Yeah! They are supposed to meat us out, at the hospital". He said.

I put my foot down on the gas paddle doing way over, the speed limit and probably going to get a ticket but, tight now, I don't fucking care.

As I pull into the hospital to park my car, I go down every I'll until, I come across one, then I park my car and get out... As I run into the hospital, I'm almost to the nurses station when, one comes up to me to ask me, "what is the problem". I tell her that I am here look for a girl name Rose, they brought her in, an hour ago.

She walks me to the station to look up the name that, I had given her.

"She's in room 402 but she is an sergry right now so, you will not be able to see her until, she is out.

"What is she in sergry for?". I asked her.

"Who are you to her?". She asked me, while looking at me.

"I am just a friend". I said.

"I can't give you much information but, I can tell you this, she has a broken ankle that is getting fixed and she broke her wrist. The others I can't tell you". She said, looking at her computer.

"What do you mean others?". I said, getting worried.

"I can't tell you anything else, I'm sorry". She said, looking sad.

"Thank you". I said, with understanding in my voice.

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