Chapter 2.) Lunch

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I am walking to my third hour, when someone grabs me and pulls me into an, empty classroom. I look around to see who it was but, the lights was off.

When they come on, I can see who pulled me in here and I'm not surprised to see him.

"I told you, you would pay for not letting me have my spot". Luke said while undoing his pants.

I shake my head no and ty to run out but, he stoped me before I could even make it, to the door. He turns me around and makes me get on my knees, then he took his belt and whipping my back with it, to were it will hurt really bad, I slowly put my shirt down but the pain was unbearable.

"This is what happens, when you don't listen to me". He said while pulling me up to my feet.

I feel wobbly at first but that's just because of the stinging, from the pain.

"Next time you will get worse, then this". He said getting ready to walk out but stops to say something else.

"Oh and if you tell anybody about this, I'll beat you and do something way worse, then this, next time but wait, you don't talk". He said, laughing the whole time leaving.

I fall to the ground crying, trying to come up with what, I did for people to hate me but, I couldn't come up with anything. I get up and try to pull my shirt down and walk out of the classroom. I go to the office, to get a late pass, for my teacher.

As I walk into the office I see Luke there talking to the office lady. He sees me and looks back at the office lady to tell her something. I couldn't hear what he said to her until, she passed me a late pass. I sign the language for thank you, then try to walk out. I didn't get fare before he was right, behind me. I try to get away from him but that did nothing to stop him. He was right beside me, trying to get me to talk, to him. Apparently he can't take the hint that, I don't want to talk.

He walks away after awhile because for one, He had a different class and for two, finely notice that I was not, going to talk to him.

I walk into my class just as the bell rings (grate! I have no idea what this class is about now, Thanks Luke). I thought. I wright something down for the teacher to read and she told me to come back in after school and she will have everything for me. I sign thank you to her and walk out of the classroom.

~Skip to lunch~

I am standing in the lunch line to get my food, when these girls comes walking up to me.

"Hey freak! what was you doing an empty classroom with my man?". Mandy said while getting up in my face.

Let me tell you about Mandy. She has long fake blond hair. Her eyes are baby blue and she wears to small of close. Her shorts shows a little bit of her ass cheeks and her shirt is so tight, that you can literally see how big, her breast are. She tries to hard with the guys but, we all know she's a slut but also, the most popular girl in this school. She wears way to much make-up that if she comes, close to you, you can see the out line of her foundation that layers on her skin. Her and Luke have been going off and on for about two years, that's just what I hard from people talking. Her minions are the same way, they do everything she dose.

"Hey bitch! I'm talking to you". She said pulling me out of my train of thoughts, by Shoving me.

"I said if I ever catch you around, or with my man again, I will not hold back to beat your ass next time. Consider your self lucky, for once. She said walking away with her minions trailing right, behind her.

I get my food then walk to the table way in the back, away from everyone... As I was eatting actually enjoying the time, I get to eat, someone walks by and sets right next me. I don't dare, to look at the person sitting next to me until, they talk.

"Why you sitting all alone, mate?". The boy with a handsome accent said.

When I look up at him, I had to look away fast because if I didn't, I'm not sure if could, look away. He was so hot that, he could be a top model. He had short brown hair and the most gorgeous brown eyes that you can get lost in, for days. I know he is a bad boy just but the way, he was wearing some, skinny jean's that had a little bit, of ripping on the thighs. He wore a Blake t-shirt with a leather jacket, that to me just screams, bad boy.

"Hello?". He said while waving his hand, in my face.

I get out a pen and a piece of paper to wright down that, I don't talk. I hand the paper to him and he shakes his head. He then looks back at me.

"So! You don't talk?". He said while staring at something behind me.

I shake my head at him, letting him know that he was right but, he didn't see me though. I look behind me to see who, he was staring at but, I didn't see anyone. When I looked back at him he was already looking at me.

He gets up and walks away without another word. I felt kinda relieved but, kinda hurt at the same time. He just walks away just like that, I don't know why but, okey.

I finish my lunch and walk to my next class after throwing away, my trash.

Hey my fellow readers what do you think about Luke, he's a dick right. What do you think, the bad boy wanted?.

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