chapter 29.)We will be waiting

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Rose's p.v.o.

I am sitting on my bed with my baby girl in my arms, sound a sleep. Blake is still wrapped around me, not giving me some space to think, about what has happened... As I am about to get up and put Evelyn in her baby bed, he picked her up and did it for me before I could even say, what I'm doing.

When I'm about to get up and go take a shower, my phone gose off. I walk over to pick it up but then, he tells me not to pick it up because, we know who it is... As I am about to walk into the bathroom, I hear Blake on his phone with his friends.

I take a well needed shower and when I'm done and getting dressed, that's when I hear.

"No one will take you away from me, my love. I will go threw hell, just to keep you and your beautiful mama with me". Blake was talking to our daughter and it melted my heart.

But then I hear knock on the door and it coming open, next thing I know is, hearing.

"What's up man, what are we going to do?" I hear Mason's voice, then all the rest of the gangs.

"That bastard, dose he not think he has already did enough, shit to her and now, he kills her parents. He will not live, to see the next day, when he shows his face". Jake said.

"Guys! She is in the bathroom and can hear you all". Blake said.

"Oh shit". I hear Derick say.

"Well I mean, she hast to know, what is going on. You did read, what he put to her". I hear Noel said.

I know it strange, how I can tell there voices apart but, I have been hanging around them, long enough now to know, who is saying what.

I'm opening the bathroom door to walk out and they all stop talking. I look at every single one of them, in the face until, I find Blake.

"What did it say?". I said, while crossing my arms.

"He will be coming tonight and he will not be alone". Blake said and I know that's not all.

"I know there's more, what is it?". I said.

"He said that, if you don't go with him willingly, then he will take out on Evelyn". Blake said, sounding pissed off, at the end.

"You fucking let him try, to get a hold of her and I will kill him my self". I said with so much anger.

They all look at me with an expression that said, damn don't fuck with a mama wolf.

We all getting ready for whatever is about to happen, witch I'm sure, we all know. I get my baby and we give her to Blake's mom, so she can take her somewhere fare away, from here.

"We love you baby girl and you will be back with us soon". Me and Blake said, at the same time.

"I promise, I will take good care of her just, be careful". She said, with tears going down her face.

"We can't promise that but, I can say this, you two will be safe". Blake said, while giving our daughter one last kiss and hug and then his mom.

I did the same and then we had back inside, to wait.

We all was acting like nothing was going to happen, while we all was watching movies and eating snacks, I heard a sound coming from upstairs... As I was going to go check it out, there was a hand that stopped me.

"We're you going?". Jake said, while Blake was coming front the kitchen.

"What's going on?". He said, while looking at us.

"I thought, I hard something up-". I was trying to say but then, the sound happened again.

~Play the song~

They guys went up to check out the nose while, I stayed down stairs. I was about to go into the kitchen when, someone grabbed my waist and I screamed.

"We're is our fucking daughter?". I hear is voice say.

"She's not your fucking daughter". I say back.

He pushed me to the ground and climbed on top of, I try to fight back but, he seems to be a little more stronger, then before... As he had his hands around my throat, not paying any attention behind him, I seen someone coming up, from behind him.

"Get the fuck off of her, now". I hear Jake's voice.

"And why should I do that?". Luke said, while his hands, was still around my neck.

The next thing I know is, the wait being lifted from my body and Jake having Luke down on the ground, beating the shit out of him. I take that as my cue to try, to get out of there but then, was pulled back by Blake. He pulls me into a hug and tells me not to keep running and start fighting back.

"But he had gotten a little more stronger". I said, while trying not to cry.

"Remember what he said about our daughter, you can do this; fight for her". He said, encouraging me.

"Fine! I'll try". I said.

I walk up to Luke, while Jake holds him up and all I can think about is him hurting, my baby.

"Awe! Look who thinks she is so tough, now". He said.

"Shut up, you heartless fucking prick, I will never be yours and neither will my baby, you just need to except it and move on". I said, while getting ready to walk away but, faith is not on my side while he tackles me to the ground once again, before anyone could ever do anything. I fight back and kick him wear the sun don't shine and he falls off of me holding himself so, I get on top of him wile he is not paying attention and start punching him over and over again until, someone pulls me off.

"Ok women, your going to kill him". Blake said, while trying not to laugh.

"I don't know what came over me". I said.

"It's called, you finely had enough of being pushed around". He said, while holding me tighter.

They take the rest of them down and then, the cops shows up and takes them all away.

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