Chapter 26.)Lies

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Rose's p.o.v.

I don't want to wake up, this place feels like peace. I don't have to worry about getting, abused, rapped, looked down on, or even have to worry about people that, make me fall in love with them just to be told that, it was all just some stupid bet. I know that if, I give up right now though, my baby will die to and I don't want that because, this is not there fault.

When I try to open my eyes for the first time, they wouldn't budge until, I tried for the second time. I get them open and all I see is bright lights that burned my eyes at first until, they adjusted to the light. I look around to see who is all here with me but, who I see next to me is the person that, I never wanted to see again, but when I see Jake standing there, I try to say his name but my throat feels raw. He looks over at me and comes to my side that Blake is not on and starts talking really fast until, I had to try to tell him to slow down. Lucky for me he understood what I was trying to tell him and slowed down.

"Rose! Your awake, how you feeling?". He said.

"My head hurts a little". I said, while looking down at my hands and just now notice that, Blake is holding my hand.

I leave there just to not wake him because, he looks so peaceful.

"He has never left your side, since you have been in here". He said, looking over at Blake.

"How long have I been in here for?". I asked.

He was going to tell me until, we seen Blake jerking and talking in his sleep.

"Jake! How could you, you betrayed me". He was yelling "nooo"

Jake ran over to try to wake him up but when he did. Blake woke up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"You betrayed me, how could you?". He said, with so much anger.

"B-blake! What are you talking about?". I said with confusion.

"Rose! Oh my god baby, I am so glad you woke up but, how long have you been awake?". He said, while grabbing my hand again.

"What did you mean by, I betrayed you?". Jake said, sounding confused.

"Never mind man, i'm sorry. I had a dream where you was going to kill me and was on Luke's side, the whole time". Blake said, while looking down.

"Damn man, sounds like a really fucked up dream". Jake said.

"Yeah! That's it, just a fucked up, bad dream." He said, while looking down at my feet.

I don't think he mint for anyone to hear that but, I did.

"Why are you hear?". I asked him.

"Because Rose, I really do care for you even if you don't think, so". He said.

"Your a lier, no one would hurt someone that they care about". I said, with so much anger.

"Rose-". He tried to say something but, I cute him off.

"All you ever told me was lies, LIES Blake, so what makes you think that I will ever believe, anything you have to say to me again?". I said, while trying not to brake down.

"Rose! Can I tell you how I feel, about you please?". He asked, with a pleading voice.

"Yeah! As long, as there is no more lies and If I don't believe you, then you can go". I said.

"The very first time I met you, I thought that you would just be some girl that, I could get over, when everything was said and done but then, I feel in love with you and when I found out what you was going threw... As I tried to call it off after I knew, he said some things that, made me go threw with it and now, I realize that, I have never met a person as strong as you, that can go threw what you have been through and still be standing strong. I never thought that I could fall in love with anyone until, the day I met you. I'm so in love with you that, I can't see myself without you and when I found you the way that, they left you, I'm going to kill them. You are such an amazing women that, anyone would be happy to call you there's". Blake's said, while I just sit there and listen to him with tears running down my face.

"I don't know what to say". I said, wiping my tears.

"You and our baby is all that, I care about". He said, while grabbing my hand.

"Awe! What about use man?". Mason said walking into the room.

"You all know that I care about you two it's just, I care about her and this little one way more". Blake said, while looking at him.

"How are you doing Rose?". Derick said, walking over to us.

"Doing much better now that my head, stopped hurting". I said, while looking at him.

"Well I am so glad that you are ok. When we found you, Blake would not let anyone near you. He grabbed you so that, noone could see you and carried you all the way out to the car and never left your side since". Mason said, while patting Blake on the back.

"So I've been told but, I still don't know if, I can trust that or anything you said to me". I said, looking back at Blake.

"Please believe me, I know that I don't deserve it but-". He tried to finish what he was saying until, Derick jumped in.

"This boy loves you and would jump threw a burning house, just save you. He would get the moon and starts for you, if you asked him to". Nole said.

"Yeah! Okey, I'll have to see about that and not the fire one either it's, the love part". I said.

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