Chapter 25.)Fucked up dream

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Blake's p.o.v.

I've been sitting here for about a week now, hoping and praying she will wake up soon but, I don't think she wants to.

While holding her hand, I felt it move and I look up so fast, to see her trying to wake up.

"Fight it baby. Come on I know you can wake up please". I said, while trying to encourage her to fight.

I see her eyes moving and trying to open, so when she finley got them open and looked over at me, it didn't go well.

"W-where am I-I". She said, while getting scared.

"Its okey Rose, your safe. Your in a hospital". I said, while still hilding her hand.

She started panicking and hyperventilating to were they had to come in and give her a shot, to help her calm down. All I could do was sit there and watch as she gose right back, to sleep. I think to myself, what did she ever do to deserve this shit. She is to kind and way to sweet harted for anyone, to ever want to harm her.

"Hey man, how is she doing?". Jake asked, while coming into the room.

"She woke up but, they had to put her back to sleep because, she started getting scarred". I said, while looking at her.

"Damn. Anyone say how your baby is doing?". He said and Its sounds sad but, I forgot about our baby, I was just so cought up worrying about her, that I spaced off our baby.

"No". Is all is said.

"You forgot, didn't you?". He asked with a knowing head shack.

"Yeah! ". I said while, getting up, to go look for someone to ask about the baby.

While walking out the door, I hear her small voice.

"B-blake! Where you going?". She said.

I turn around so fast that, I could have wipfalsh.

"I will be right back, ok?". I said, while walking out of the door.

I go find a nurse to tell her that Rose is awake and to ask about my baby. She said she will be right in when she gets done checking another patient so, I go back to her room and see her talking to jake and that kinda pissed me off because, of how close he was to her. I know they are good friends but, she belongs to me... As I am walking over to them, they stopped talking to look over at me.

"Why did you stop talking?". I said, while stopping right in front of them but, they both was looking right behind me.

I look behind me to see what they was looking at but then, the hospital turned into a dirty old shake and there was Luke, standing there with a gun in his right hand and holding a baby in his left arm.

"Who's baby is that?". Is all I can say to him.

"She will belong to me after I kill you, like I did her stupid bitch of a mother". He said and when thoughts words left his mouth, I turned and seen Rose body on the ground cover in blood.

"You want get away with this, she will grow up and when she starts to realize that she doesn't look like you, she will start asking qustions. Then what are you going to tell her?". I said, while watching his face expression.

"We would tell her that, her parents had died and a terrible car accident". Jakes voice comes out of no where.

"Jake! Your on his side?". I said with so much hate.

"What did you expect, you thought I was down with you this whole time. I was just waiting until the right time to bring you down". He said with a laugh.

"Wow man, after what all we been threw together? and your going to be on his side". I said, while shaking my head.

"I was never on your side". He said, while bringing out his own gun.

"Go a head, shoot me". I said, because I have nothing left now.

He was going to pull the trigger when all of a sudden, he gets shoot in the head. I looked to see Luke with the gun, pointing in his detraction.

"Only i can shoot you, not anyone else because, you took away what was mine". He said, while pointing the gun my way.

I was ready for the impact but never heard the gun go off, so when I looked up at him, he was holding the gun to the baby's head instead. I go to run at him but, he stopped me by pulling the trigger and I fell to my knees screaming "no oo oo".

"You took mine away so, I took yours away". He said, while dropping my babys limp body, on the ground.

I run over to her and start crying, I held her limp body until, I felt a shaking on my shoulder but, I ignored it. They kept shaking me until, I woke up crying and yelling, not my baby girl.

"Hey man, wake up. You okey?". Jake asked and all I could do was stand up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"You betrayed me, how could you?". I said, with so much anger until, I hear her voice.

"B-blake! What are you talking about?". She said and I look at her so fast that, I let go of his shirt and run to her.

"Rose! Oh my god baby, I am so glad you woke up but, how long have you been awake?". I said, while grabbing her hand.

(Wait! When did I fall a sleep). I thought to my self.

"What did you mean by, I betrayed you?". Jake said, sounding confused.

"Never mind man, i'm sorry. I had a dream where you was going to kill me and was on Lukes side, the whole time". I said.

"Damn man, sounds like a really fucked up dream". He said.

"Yeah! Thats it, just a fucked up, bad dream." I said, while looking down at my feet.

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