Chapter 16.)It was just a dream

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Rose's p.o.v.

I wake up at six o-clock in the morring but couldn't get comfortable worth, shit. I look around the room and notice that I'm, no longer in Blakes room, but in some dirty, room.

When I try to get up off the bed, I'm pulled back down by a stroung arm and that's when, I get scared. I,m trying to get the arm off of me but, I keep getting pulled back down every, time... As I'm trying to see who was next me, all I see is brown hair.

I try to wiggle out from under him but, nothing worked. He rolled over on top of me and that's when, I see his face but its not, the face, I wantes to see. (Wiat how did I get here). I thought.

"Hello! bitch". Luke said.

"How am I here? And what did you do to Blake?". I asked, while holding back, the tears.

"Well! Look to your left and you will see". He said, pointing to the left, of me.

I look to the left and see Blake tide to a chair.

"Why are you doing this?". I asked.

"You betrayed". He said.

"He has nothing, to do with this". I cried while trying, to get him off me.

"I am going to make him watch what, I am going to do, with you". He said, ripping my shirt off.

As I am kicking and screaming trying to get him off of me but, nothing works. All I hear is him grunting and grouning like hes enjoying, my screams and witch, he is. I keep screaming until he is saying my name over and over while, shaking me.

When I feel him pull me up into a sitting procession until, I wake up into someone arms and scream "please get off of me". Its not until I hear Blakes voce when, I actually calm down a little.

"It was just a dream, Shh- your ok; I have you". He keeps saying to me.

All that keeps going threw my head is that, its not a dream. I wish that, it was... As he keeps a hold of me, I am shaking and scared because, they could do that to Blake.

I am still in Blakes arms when my phone rings so, when I go to anserw it, Blake had my phone already in, his hand stairing down at it with some kinda look, on his face.

"Why is he calling you?". He sounded kinda, angry.

"Who?". I asked.

"Luke! Why would he be calling you?". He said, well standing up.

"I have no clue why. I don't even know how, he got my number". I said, trying not to brake.

"Anserw it and let me hear what, he has to say". He said, while handing me, my ringing phone again.

I do what he says and put it on speaker so that, Blake can hear what he hast to say, to me.

                 ~On the phone~


~Luke~"I know you have me on speaker".

~Me~"Yeah! Because I am getting ready".

~Luke~"Don't get that tone with me, bitch. I will come and find you then do have my way with you again but, only this time, you will be tied up. You belong to me no one ealse".

I look over at Blake to see his expression but, all I see when I look into his eyes is a mixture of anger, shocked and hurt.

~Me~"No! I'll stop, please don't".

~Luke~"Now that's better. Where are you at anyways because, I know your not home, I am standing in your room".

I start to panic but then, when I looked over at Blake. I new I was safe.

~Me~"I am at a firends house".

I knew when I said that, Blake stood up and walked around the room but, I am only protecting him.

~Luke~"Now you know, I don't belive that, just get home".


                        ~End of call~

"Why the fuck did you not, tell me about this?". Blake said, while nocking stuff down off of his dresser.

"I am sorry. You two seem like you was good friends. I didn't want to ruin, a good friendship, by telling you that your friend, has been rapping me since you two has been talking". I said, with tears going down my face.

"Rose! If you would have told me, about this a long time ago then, I could have stopped it". He yelled at me.

"I am sorry, okey". I said, while running passed, Derick.

"Hey-". He tried saying but, I kept running.

"Rose! I didn't mean to upset you more". I hear Blake saying right before, I shut the front door.

As walk threw the front door, I am shoved down to the ground. When I try to get up, I'm dragged to the top of the stairs, by my hair. He gets me to the top and pushes me back down them. I go tumbling down, hitting my head on every step. I Finley get to the bottom landing with, a thump and all I hear before my eyes fall is, "don't you ever, talk to me like that again". Then my eyes fall.

                    ~Next day~

As I'm waking up, my body hurts everywhere and I look down at my body but notice, I'm completely naked ("oh grate"). I thought to my self.

I slowly get up to walk into my room but, I hurt so bad right now, when I get to my room, I go to my bathroom to take a shower, but something doesn't feel right, down there. All I'm feeling is some kinda stickyness so, I reach down to touch it and no no no. He did not use a condom this time so now, I really hope, I'm not pregnant because of him.

I get into the shower, but all I can do is cry. All I can think about is that, I don't want to have his child.

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