Chapter 14.)Why are you here

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I am getting ready for tonight when my door, is opened.

"Where the hell are you going, dressed like that?". My uncle said.

I didn't say anything to him so that pissed him off even more to where, he pulls me up by the hair and punches me in, the stomach... As I'm screamming from the pain, he ripps my dress off of me.

"You are not going anywhere, looking like a slut". He said, while slamming me up against, the wall.

He puts all of his weight on me so that, I couldn't move away from him.

"Now I know why the boys want you so bad, you have one hell of a body". He said, rubbing my cheek.

I get scared thinking he was going to do something to me but instead, he hurrys out of my room. (Thank god). I thought.

After I get my head together then, I go pick something else out, to wear.

I put on the close that my mother had picked out, for me to wear on my eighteenth birthday, but its not like they will be here for it so, I redone my hair and make-up and head out.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, there is someone waitng for me.

"Luke? Why are you here?" I asked, with a confused, look.

"I'll be taking you wherever it is, you are going to" He said, holding out his arm, for me.

"I think i'm ok, by my self" I said, trying to walk past him.

He grabs my arm so hard that, Its going to leave, one nasty bruise. I then try to free myself from him but, he wouldn't let me go.

When I'm finely free out of his grip, he kisses my lips, then grabs my hand and leads me out of the house.

"So where are we going?". He asked, still looking forward.

"I was on my way, to something". I said, looking out the window.

"To the party, thats where, hu". He said, sounding a little pissed off.

"Maybe! Why do you care?". I asked.

He pulls over the car to grab, my face, hard, just to yell at me.

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK, TO ME, THAT WAY. DO YOU HEAR ME. I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU GO NOW". He said, while turning the car onto, a dirt road.

"Where are you taking me? Please take me to the party". I said, trying not to sound, sacred.

"Why? Is to see Blake, is he the reason you've been gone so much?". He said, angry.

I don't talk to him, just looking out the window, not giving him anymore attention.

He pulls over then gets out to come aroung to my side, I am so scared now, then ever before.

When I think he's not going to do, anything to me. I was thinking wroung because, he opens my door and grabs me, to pull me out of the car.

~Warring trigger~

I tried everything in my power to get away from him but, he was to stroung for me. He pushes me up against his car, then starts to kiss me on my neck.

As he was kissing me on my neck, he was also pulling my shirt up. I tries to to pull my shirt down but, that made him angery to where, he punches me in the jawl. I cry out in pain and it only seems to turn him on, even more.

He pulls down his pants first, then mine and raped me on top of his car... As he was finishing up his bissnes, there was only one thing on, my mind. He didn't use a condom.

"That felt really good and if your wondering if I used a condom, well nope, because unlike some boys, I know how to pull out". He said, like he is so proud, of himself.

I get back into the car and just stair out at the moon because, the moon is so bright and beautiful. I could get lost, in just looking at it.

We pull to my house but before he could even turn the car off, I was already getting out and running up the stairs to the front door.

When I get to my room, I lock the door so that no one can get in.

I pull my phone out to text Blake that, I am sorry that I didn't show up.

~Blake~ what happened?

~Me~ My uncle told me that, I couldn't leave the house on a school night.

~Blake~ and you waited this long to tell me that?

~Me~ I'm really sorry, I feel sleep.

~Blake~ I don't believe you, I'm coming over.

~Me~ No! Please.

~Blake~ to late, have your window open.

~Me~ Fine.

I walk over to unlock my window when, my door is banged on. Me forgetting that Blake is coming over, I go unlock my door to see, who it was and come face to face with, my uncle.

He grabs my by the hair and swings me across the room until, my head hits a wall, hard. I stubble to my feet and try to run but, he catches me by the arm.

"You are not getting away from me, bitch". He slurs, while punching me in the face.

I feel the blood running down my chin so, that made me scared to where, I give up fighting him and let him do whatever. He punches me over and over until, I am about to pass out, all I remember is, someone coming in and getting him off of me.

Right before I can fall to the ground, that someone is right there, catching me and them saying. "I got you love". Then I pass out.

I wake up in a different room at first, I didn't realize who's room I was until, I looked around and realized that, I'm in Blake's room. I completely forgot that, he was comikg over.

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