Chapter 24.)Why her

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Jake's p.o.v.

When I get to the hospital and see Blake on his knees crying, I knew something had to of happened because, he never cries.

I try to confort him but, he pushes me away then, he says the words that, I didn't want to hear.

"I lost her mate, I fucking lost her". He yells at me, then starts crying.

I just stand there looking at him like what?. Then I say.

"No! No, she's like a fucking sister to me". I said, while pasting back and forth, trying to be stroung for him.

Mason and them comes running up to use and he tells them the news. Mason looks like he is going to cry but, holds back.

"I am so sorry man, we will find him and kill him". Mason said, while looking in his own thoughts.

"You damn right, we will". I said.

I can't believe this is happening and to a good girl.

Mason's p.o.v.

I get inside of the hospital to find out what is going on and all I see is Blake on his knees crying but, Jake is pasting back and forth.

When he told me what happend, I didn't know what to do, so I stand there, it can't be true. All I could say was.

"I am so sorry, man. We will find him and kill him". I said, while standing here and thinking about, a way we can find him.

"You damn right, we will". Jake said.

"It can't be true, I can't lose her. She fucking world and I fucked up. I fucked up, this is all my fucking fault". Blake said, while standing up and throwing a chair up against a wall.

"This is not, your fualt. He would have done this to her, no matter what". I said, while getting angry'er because, he's wrong about that.

"If I hadn't made that bet, all of this wouldn't of, happened". Blake said.

"You're wroung man". I said.

We go all go quite, lost in our own thoughts.

Derick's p.o.v.

I have no idea what to say so I just stand there, watching it all go down... As I'm standing there lost in my own thoughts, one thing keeps going threw my mind is, (he has never been like this, about anyone and I can see how much she means to him). We all love her like a sister and I hope they can bring her back. She doesn't deserve this shit.

"I am sorry, mate. We all care for her, but not in the way, you do". I finley say to him after, a while.

"I know you all care for her and I am sorry to". Blake said, while standing up and walking out.

(Oh fuck). Is all I can think.

Nole's p.o.v.

All this going threw my mind is, why her?. What did she ever do, to deserve this shit?.

After a while Derick said, how sorry he was and when Blake got up and left, all that came to my mind is. (Someone is going, to get hurt).

I don't know what to do so, I just walk out after him.

"Hey man, we know how much you care for her so please, don't take your anger out on use. We care about her to and hope she will be alright but, you just got to have faith". I said to him while, patting his back.

Blake's p.o.v.

"I know mate but, when they said that she was gone. I lost it, she means everything to me and I can't lose her. I feel like everything is, my fault". I said, braking down again.

"We know man but, its not your fault. She would be in this place with, or without you". I said.

"I know but, I didn't help with it. She told me everything and I just let her down". I said, while looking out at the sun, going down for the night.

"Well! I mean, we could have helped out a little more by, getting her out a lot sooner". I said, trying not to brake down.

"Yeah! Well, we didn't, did we?". I said, taking in a breath and blowing it out.

We stand there in silence, staring out at the night sky, that is falling apon use, until we hear.

"They need you". Derick said.

We head back inside to see what they needed and when we get back inside, a nurse was standing there waiting for me.

"Are you the boy that, came in with her?". She asked me and I said "yes, how is she?".

"We got her stable but, she is in a coma right now and we are trying everything we can, to keep the little one safe and alive". She said.

"No! No she can't do this to me, why would she do this?". I said, trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry, we are trying everything that, I can think of to help her". She said, while backing up.

"Okey! Thank you. Can we go see her now?". I say, holding she will let use.

"Yes! Of course, right this way". She said, taking use to her room.

We follow her down the long ass hall way until, we come to a stop, outside of Rose's room. I am the first one to walk in and what I see broke me more then, anything. She had tubes going everywhere, on her. I walk up to her and hold her hand.

"Hey! I know that, I'm probably the last person, you want to hear from but, I am not leaving, your side. I'm going to be right here until you wake up". I tell her.

When all the gang is in here, they take turns on telling her things and it kinda makes me made at how much, they care for her but, I know they mean well.

"Wake up, please wake up. I need to see them beautiful eyes, of yours". I whispered in her ear.

After I said that, I sit down beside her and just held her hand and we all wait quietly.

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