Chapter22.) He's dead

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Luke's p.o.v.

Im just setting there minding my own business when, out of no were. I get pulled up by my shirt.

"You think you can fuck with me about my child, you got it wroung, mate. I will kill you if you even think, about harming my child". He yelled at me, while poeple was heading over to see, what was going on.

"Oh Blake, you are a funny dude". I tell him, while laughing at his face.

I feel a shirp pain threw my lip and I knew he had punched me. We start fighting until someone yelled, "enough". We look up to see Rose standing there.

"You don't tell me, what to do bitch. I run you and I say what gose". Luke said, while trying to get up.

"You fucking think this is funny, hu. Its not funny, look what you are doing to her". I said, punching him again.

"You know what, I'm sick of this. Both of you can leave me, the fuck alone, you for damn sure". Rose said, while looking at Luke.

"Rose! I am just trying to help you". I said, while getting up to hold her but, she pushed me away.

"I will never, leave you alone. You belong to me until, I know for sure that, child is not mine". Luke said, sounding angry more.

"I don't fucking belong to anyone". She said, standing up for her slef for once.

"We will see about that later". Luke said, while pushing past everyone.

She looks so fucking hot when she is pissed that, I need to go take care of myself... As I'm walking out of the bathroom, I see her walking up the hall way. I grab her and push up against the wall then, punch her a cople of times in the face. She tries to cry out for help but, I take her out the back way.

When I get her to my car she tries to run but, didn't get fare. I grab her and punch her in the face again so, she will stop moving.

"I'm taking you to a special pleace, were no one will find you". I tell her.

Her uncle will not care if, I take her away for a while. I get into my car after getting her in and start it... As I'm pulling out, I Blake and his friends coming out of the school.

I hurry to leave the parking lot and head to the place were I've head plained, for a while know.

I've been drving for over an hour now and the hole time. She hasn't said a thing to me.

"What? Not so tough now are you?". I said while looking over at her for a split secont.

"Just leave me, the fuck alone". She said, sounding angry.

"Oh baby, I love when your pisses off, it truns me on". I said, while rubbing her leg.

"Don't fucking touch me". She said and all it did was piss me off so, I pull over and undid my paints. I grab her head and pushed it down.

"Suck it, now". I said, while holding her head there.

She tried to fight me at first but, then gave in. Before I finish off in her mouth, I grab her head and pulled her out of the car and bent her over my back set. She screamed and cried but no one was around, to hear her... As I come undone inside of her. i hear a little moan come from her and It made me smile.

"Did you like that a baby?". I whispered in her ear.

"Just get the hell of off me". She said and I wanted to take her again but, we are almost to my secret hide out.

I start my car back up and head out again but, this time when I looked over at her, she was looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?". I asked her.

"You know, If you wasn't such a dick and take what you want, then you could've been a attractive to me but, know your nothing but, a hot boy who just takes what he wants and never mind what how bad it hurts". She said but, all I got out of it all was, hot boy.

"You think, I'm hot?". I said, a little to excited.

"Oh boy, never mind". She said, while looking out the window.

I drive for another ten miles and finley reaching my destination. I look over at Rose and see her sound a sleep... As I'm about to pull her out of the car, I hear her say someone's name and it pissed me off, he thinks about coming and finding us to try to take her away from me, hes dead.

I'm taking her inside when all of a sudden, she starts crying in her sleep. I shake her to wake her up and she slapped me.

"I hate you and I can never love you, your a monster that needs help. Blake was the only person that cared for me and you runined it". She yelled at me but, I could do was back hand her.

"If he loved you and cared for you so much then, why did he make a bet with me, hu". I yelled back at her.

"He told me why and yes, I don't like what he did but, I love him". She said and that did it for me.

I claimed on top of her and chocked her until, she almost pasted out then, I grab my knife and put it to her neck. I press down a little bit to were its only drawing a little bit of blood but, I didnt just stop there. I recorded everything that I did to her after, I sent it, to Blake.

After I was done with her, I left her there in her own, pool of blood.

(Let him come and try to find her, it will be his own mistake). I thought, walking out the door.

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