Chapter 12.)Telling the truth

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Hello everyone, I am so sorry for not, updateing for a while. I've just been busy but, i'm back now.

Rose's p.o.v.

I am sitting in a filled full of flowers just looking out at, the open space feeling happy and at peace for once until, this darkness takes over me and places me somewhere, I am no longer at pace but, sacred and alone.

I started to remember everything, that has happened to me and it made me think, am I dead? Or am dreaming?. I'm left with nothing until, I hear someone talking.

When I am trying to listen to the person talking, its like I'm listening to the sound of, a cutting in out of a redio. I can only hear bits and peaces of it, but when the person start aruguing with a another person. I really try to listen, to what was going on.

"I wouldn't was my time with, a slut like her". The person said.

"Why do you speake so badly of, your niece like that?". The other person said.

"Oh! So you don't know anything about, her boyfriend and her fucking, every other night?". I now know, who's voices it is, that is argueing. Blake and my uncle and he is feeding Blake lies.

"She is not like that". Blake said, sounding unsure.

"Oh but she is". My uncle said, sounding like, he was walking out.

I open my eyes to see the room empty, when I start to cry.

"Rose why are you crying?". I hear.

I look up so fast at him that, I didn't get the chance to say anything, when he comes over and hugs me, so close to him.

After a while I calm down and wright down on pice of paper.

He is lieing please, believe me. I am not doing anything, of those sorta thing, not by choice, anyways. I am being forced to do things that, I wasn't ready for. Please don't believe him. By the time inwas done wrighting, I was once again in tears again.

"Are you saying what, I think you are?". He asked me.

All I could do was shake my head at him because, I couldn't wright it down.

The nurse comes running in to see, what was going on and all he could do was yell at her.

"YOU COULDN'T TELL ME THAT, SHE WAS GETTING RAPPED?". He yelled at, the poor nurse.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you until, she had gave me, the ok". She said.

"WHO WAS IT?". He turned and yelled at me and I backed up.

"Sr! I don't think yelling at her is helping any. I mean look at her.

He turned around to look at me and notice me, then walks over to try to touch me but, I backed upnfrom him.

"I'm not going to hurt, my love". He said, slowly walking to me.

I was sacred that he was going to hit me until, he just pulls me into a hug and asked me who was rapping me. When I didn't do anything, to tell him who, he drops it thank goodness.

When the nurse was done checking my vitals and telling me, that everything looks good. She walks out leaving us alone so, I thought for a minute if, I should tell him about my uncle.

I wright down everything then give him the note. He reads it and looks up at me.

"Where are your parents?". He said so, I tell him everything and by the time, I was done, he shakes his head and holds my hand.

~play song~

"You are the most strongest girl, I have ever known". He said and I cried.

"Can I tell you somthing?". My phone says.

"Yes! You can tell me anything". He said.

"I think i'm falling for you. When I first saw you, I didn't think that you would be my friend until, the day you talked to me. I don't know if you feel the same way but, I just had to tell you even if it dose, run-in our friendship, my life has made me feel like, I could never try again until, I meat you but, I just couldn't take it anymore". My phone said for me.

"Rose! I feel the same way but, I can't be with you right now. I'm-". I cut him off, by saying.

"I new, I shouldn't have told you anything because now, I now that I've made, the biggest mistake in trusting you". I said.

"No rose, its not like that, you can trust me. I just nees to do something before, we can move on with each other. I do like you and want to be with you but, not right". He said trying to grab my hand but, I yenk my hand back.

"Just please leave. I want to be alone right now". My phone said, as I try to hold back, the tears.

"Rose! Please don't push me out, just now that, I'm doing this for you". He said with tears, in his eyes.

"Fine! you can stay but just now, that I can't tell you anything else, from here on out". My phone said.

"Okey! Thats fine. I understand". He said, sounding hurt.

I lay back and relax a little until the nurse, brings in some food and tells me that I need to something before, they can release me.

When I'm finished with my food I see Blake face, looking not so good... As I'm about to tap on his leg, but notice he is already looking up at me.

"Wwhats-". I try to us my voice but' its coming out strang.

"Rose! Are you trying to talk to me?". He said with surprise in his voice but, all I could do was shake my head, yes at him.

"Thats awesome, try it again". He said encourging me to try, to talk again.

"Ii'm ssorry". I stutter out to him.

"Sorry for what?". He said, looking me into, my eyes.

I am not us to my voice yet so, im really trying.

"Ffor tthe way Ii said tthat, I wwouldn't ttell you, aany thing". I said.

"Its ok rose, I understand and I'm really glad that you are trying, to talk now". He said with, excitement.

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