Chapter 27.)The baby's coming

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Rose's p.o.v.

I am doing home work to catch up on all the work that, I have gotten behind on, while being taken and in the hospital. It's been about four months since then and let me tell yeah, school work builds up fast.

I've been staying with Blake and his lovely mom ever since, I was released from the hospital. My parents found out, that I was right about everything, when they got a call from the police asking them if, my uncle could be hiding out with them. They are supposed to be trying to find a flight back here, so they can be here for me but, I don't think that's going to happen.

It's been months since the hospital stay and now, I am about to pop. We still don't know the gender of our baby yet but, that's the fun part waiting to find out.

I still don't know about trusting Blake yet but, He's been trying to prove to me that, what he felt for me is real and not just some girl he can bet on. He's been buying me all kinds of things witch, I tried to tell him that bying things for me will not, by my trust back that easily... As I was trying to stand up, I feel this shirp pain and something wet between my legs. I look down and notice that there was a wet spot, on the couch.

When I feel the pain hit once again, I bind over grabbing my swollen stomach and yell for Blake, who is in the kitchen making lunch for use. He comes running in asking "what's wrong" and notice my pants wet.

"The baby is coming". I said sounding shocked but, nervous at the same time.

"Just stay calm and breath threw it". He said while trying to help me but, all I could say was.

"Blake! Just go get the fucking back". I said, getting frustrated with him all ready.

"Okay! Damn women, don't be so mean". He said, backing up from me because, I gave him a look that said, don't push it.

He grabs everything and we head out the door while, he's calling his mom to let her know that, it was time.

We get to the hospital and he's hollering for nurses to help come out and help. They come out to see what was going on.

"She's in labor". Blake said, while they was pushing me inside the hospital.

"How far along are the contraction's?". They asked, while getting me inside a room.

"I don't know, I wasn't really keeping track but-". I tried to say but, another pain hit me and I can feel the baby coming out.

"The baby is coming out". I said while, trying not to push.

"We need to get her pants off, now". One of the nurses said. While taking my pants off.

Just when they was getting the last pants leg off, I felt another shirp pain.

"The head is right there, we need to try to get her on the bed but, very slowly". The other nurse said.

They get me up out of the while chair and I could nearly stand so, they had to do all the work... As I get on the bed, I couldn't sit down, I had to kinda fall, on my back so that I was not, sitting ony baby's head.

I get my legs up on the bed and they position them, to were they needed to be. They told me to start pushing but, then had me to stop because, the baby cord was around her neck and shoulders would come threw.

They told me I had to have an emergency see section because, if I tried to have the baby this way, it could break my pelvic bone and they don't want that so, they heart me out of the room and into the surgery room but, not before asking Blake if he was the father because, if he wasn't then he couldn't come back. He told them yes and the took him somewhere to do something, but all I could think of is, is my baby going to be ok.

They put this blue thing in front me and put an ivy in my arm for the pain meds to go threw... As they was getting everything prepared, Blake came in with this yellow suit on and I had to hold my laugh in. He looked like a yellow banana ready to catch his, pealing.

I feel the meds kicking in and some of the pain going away. They told me that, I may feel like I have to push but, try not to.. As they are doing something behind this sheld like thing, I hear a baby's cry and I start getting tears in my eyes... I hear "it's a girl" from one of the doctors and that's when I brake.

When I look over at Blake, I see tears rolling down his face ,while looking at our baby girl with so much love, in his eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes open, It felt like something was pulling me under so, I let them fall.

Blake's p.o.v.

I look over and see rose passed out and not moving.

"Rose! Rose please wake up". I cry out.

"We are loosing to much blood, I need to do an emergency surgery. Please get him out of the room and take the baby to". I hear a doctor ask but, I couldn't move.

"Sir, your going to have to leave the room please". The nurse said.

"What's going on with her?". I asked, while finley, letting them lead me out of the room.

"Something went wrong while getting the baby out but, if we don't get the bleeding to stop, we could loose her". The nurse said.

I walk out into the waiting room and see my mom there, I run up to her and grab her and start crying.

"Honey! What's wrong? What happened?". She asked.

"Rose had to have an emergency see section but, something went wrong while getting our baby girl out and if they don't get the bleeding to stop then, I can loose her". I said while, trying to keep it together.

"Oh honey, I am so sorry to hear that". She said.

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