Chapter 21.)You don't have to do this

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Blakes p.o.v.

                  ~Play the song~

"I don't want you to leave me, please. You don't have to do this, just please let me help you. I can't let what we have go. What can I do to make it up to you?". I said, with tears coming out of my eyes.

"I can't! Goodbye Blake". She said, trying leave but, I want let her go.

"Please Blake, let go of me". She said, with tears that keeps, falling down.

"Fine! I understand". I said, letting her leave.

As she walks away, all I can think about is how, how can I make it up to her.  She means everything to me. When I see her eyes, one last time before she leaves, I lost it. I walk out to go find the one person, that is keeping us apart but, I get stopped from one of my buddy's.

"Hey man! Why dose your face have that look for?". Derrick said.

"Just let me go, mate". I said, with so much anguer.

"Not until you tell me, what your doing". He said, while trying to stop me.

"I'm going to kill him". I said.

"No! Juat wait until, we can get Rose out before doing anything or you know what he will do to your baby. Think about your child". He said and it calmed me down some.

"Man, I lost her. What am I do know? Let her go. I can't do that". I said braking down in front of him.

"For now, you have to or your going to make ot worse for her and your baby". He said, while looking around.

"I love her and will do anything for her. I just wished that, I wouldn't of never made that bet, with thats son of bitch. If I would have known what he was doing to her in the first place. I would've never done it". I said, while walking over and punching a locker.

"Lets get out of here before you cause a seen, ok?". He said.

"She is mine and I will get her back, even if it kills me". I said, walking away.

"Dude! You don't want to do this, I'm telling you". He said, walking beside me.

"Do you care about her?, mate". I said, stopping in my tracks to look at him.

"Yes! I do but, this is not the way to do it". He said, trying to get me to understand but, I'm in no mood for this.

I walk away to go find the person that is, on my mind right now and once, I have found him, I grab him by his shirt and lift him off his feet.

"You think you can fuck with me about my child, you got it wroung, mate. I will kill you if you even think, about harming my child". I yelled at him, while people was starting to come over.

"Oh Blake, you are a funny dude". He said, while laughing in my face.

I just punched him in the mouth, we start fighting until, someone yelled "enough". We look up to see Rose standing there.

"You don't tell me what to do, bitch. I run you and I say what gose". I said, while trying to get up and looking at her flinch away a little.

"You fucking think this is funny, hu. Its not funny, look what you are doing to her". He said, punching me again, in the mouth.

"You know what, I'm sick of this. Both of you can leave me, the fuck alone, you for damn sure". Rose said, while looking at me and that just pissed me off, even more.

"Rose! I am just trying to help you". Blake said, while getting up to hold her but, she pushed him away.

"I will never, leave you alone. You belong to me until, I know for sure that, child is not mine". I said, with so much anguer.

"I don't fucking belong to anyone". She said, trying to be tough and I have to admit, its kinda a trun on.

"We will see about that later". I said, while pushing past everyone.

She wants act tough in front of him, we will see about that but first, I nees to go take care of my slef. (Damn she is hot, when she is pissed). I thought, while heading to the bathroom.

When I come out I see her walking down the hall so, I grab her and push her up against the wall then, punch her in the face a cople of times. She tries to cry out for help but, I take her out the back way... As I get her to my car, she tries to run but, didn't get fare. I grab her and put a knife to her stomach then, sliced it. I love her screams its turning me on so, I need to hurry and get her home.

I pull into her drive way and take her out but, there is blood just coming out. (Oh well. Still going to do what I want) I thought.

When I get her inside her uncle is saying somthing so, I stop to talk for a bite then, head up to her room. I take off her close then mine. She tries to cry for me not to touch her but, its hard not to when she is just so, fucking hot... As I'm finishing myself off inside of her. Her uncle comes in and says that we need to leave.

We are one the road heading to a nice little place that, noone will know, where we are.

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