1. New start

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IMPORTANT: F1 season 2023, but in this story Red Bull drivers are Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo (Checo drives for AlphaTauri in this story)


After so many rounds of interviews it finally happened. She got an email that she is accepted.

Naomi has never been more excited, this was a dream come true. Her parents were also very excited for her. Everything seemed perfect.

Naomi always wanted to work for F1, her dad always watched F1 races and she did too since very young age, that's when her passion for the sport started. When she was 10 she already knew she wants to work for F1 when she will be older.

She wasn't very gifted in math so engineering wasn't a path for her, so she decided to focus on a marketing and it payed off. She got accepted for a social media admin position for the Red Bull F1 team.

Her biggest concern now was, how she will fit all the stuff, what she will need, into two suitcases. She needed to fit there almost everything, because she will be traveling a lot and she didn't know, how often she will have time to stop at her home in London. 

It was the only disadvantage what this job had. She won't be able to see her family very often, but she knew, her parents were very supportive of her decision to do this job and her dad was really proud of her.


Airport was absolutely packed and her heavy suitcases weren't making it easier for her. Not only she was nervous, because she will be on a plane soon, flying to Bahrain, but she was also very tired.

Fortunately check in didn't take too long so she could go buy herself some coffee and go wait for her plane. One thing about her was, that she was never late, she hated being late, so she was everywhere always too early and now she had plenty of time until the gate will open.

She sighed and grabbed her headphones, adjusted the volume to the maximum, because she didn't want to fall asleep and then she opened her magazine. After a while she finally noticed that she can board in.

On the plane she found her seat and it didn't take long until she fell asleep.


She woke up when plane started landing. Last week she got an email with information, that someone will be waiting for her in an airport, to pick her up.

When the plane boarded she rushed to pick up her suitcases and luckily she didn't have to search for a person who will pick her up, because he was standing right where he was supposted to, with a sign, which had her name written on it.

The man what came to pick her up greeted her, introduced himself and told her to follow him to a vehicle. He took her suitcases and she followed him to a parking lot. The man unlocked a black mercedes, putted her suitcase in the car's trunk and they drove to the hotel.


The hotel was stunning, she never expected to be in such a beautiful hotel. Her grey eyes were shinning with the happiness. Naomi grabbed her suitcase and went to a reception to check in. She told to a receptionist her name and receptionist gave her a key to her hotel room.

"178, 179, 180, here it is 181" she found her room and unlocked it. The room was once again absolutely stunning, everything was decorated in beige and golden colours. The main room had a king sized bed and on the left side of the room there was a small sofa, two armchairs and wooden coffee table. The bathroom was also beautiful, very modern with huge bath and with shower in the corner.

Naomi was really stunned, this was much better than she expected. This job was really a dream come true.

She threw her suitcase on the floor, she will deal with it later, but now, it was time for a nap.


She woke up and decided to get herself ready for a lunch, it was all-inclusive hotel, so she didn't have to worry about anything. She couldn't believe they booked such an amazing hotel with all-inclusive for her, she couldn't help herself and wondered if all Red Bull staff is staying in this beautiful hotel.

Naomi took a quick shower, did her makeup and started brushing her long blonde hair. Then she opened her suitcase and picked an oufit. Because the hotel looked quite fancy, she decided to wear her pink sundress and small heels.

Right when she was ready to go, she heard her phone ringing, she saw unknown caller on a screen and  quickly picked up her phone and accepted the call.

"Hello, this is Christian Horner, is this Naomi?" she heard from the phone.

She froze, this was the first time she got a call from him. She had her final and last interview with him on Zoom, but the fact they already spoke through Zoom before didn't make her any less nervous.

She nearly dropped her phone, but managed to answer "Hi Mister Horner, yes, this is Naomi".

"Great, I'm calling you to tell you, that we will see each other tomorrow at 10:30, I told my assistant Kate to pick you up at 10:00 in front of the hotel, so please be ready on time" he said.

"Ok, I will be ready, thank you" Naomi answered and he ended the phone call.

"He can't even say goodbye" said Naomi to herself with disbelieve.


Author's note: thank you for your support ♡ sorry I know this chapter is kinda boring :D

Future me here: I would say that the story gets better after first few chapters :D

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