91. Lost

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Naomi felt pain in her whole body and she also felt cold, she definitely wasn't in a bed. She quickly opened her eyes. The panic washed over her.

"Max, Max!" she lightly shook with him, to wake him up. Max woke up and opened his eyes.

"What's- f*ck" he said and his eyes widened.

Somehow they both fell asleep on the boat, it actually wasn't very surprising, considering the fact that they both went on the boat at such a late night.

Naomi looked around, but only thing what she could see was sea. The villa was nowhere to be seen either. Some current had to take them more far from a coastline.

"Do you have a signal?" Naomi quickly asked him. Max pulled out his phone to check it.

"No, you?" he asked.

"Also not" she said.

"We are going to d*e" Naomi said with a panic.

"It will be all right, I promise" Max tried to reassure her, but he was visibly tense.

"Noone knows we are here Max, we can only try to roam somewhere else, but we might as well get even more far from the coast" she said.

"Daniel knows, he met me when I went to get changed, so I told him we are taking a boat."

Max took the oars. "Stop" Naomi said "If we will keep moving, they will never find us."

"I know, but the coast can be close and we don't even know if they are looking for us."

"Was Danny drunk?" she asked him.

"Not that much, I think he will remember what I told him."

"So we will wait" Naomi said, she started tapping on the boat with her nails, because she felt nervous, the Sun has already risen, but it could take hours or days until someone will find them.

"It's going to be fine, I promise. I will tell you a story, close your eyes and just listen" he said.

Naomi closed her eyes and Max started talking, he told her a funny story from his childhood, then he told her a fairytale what he liked. He just kept talking for hours about everything. She was so focused on his words that she completely forgot in what situation they are.


She was laughing, this memory what Max just told her was one of the funniest ones.

Suddenly she stopped, they both heard the sound, it was getting louder every second. Naomi looked into a direction from where it was coming from. It was a helicopter.

Max started waving. He didn't even have to, the helicopter was very low and soon enough it became obvious that the helicopter was there because of them.

The helicopter was just flying around. After few minutes they both spotted a bigger boat coming into their direction. They were saved.

It was a rescue police boat. On a board was Daniel with some police men.

"Danny!" Naomi yelled.

"I'm so glad that you both are alright, we were all so worried" Daniel said.

"Thank you! You really saved us."

"They did" Daniel said and pointed on police men. "They didn't even want to take me with them, but luckily, I'm very charming so I convinced them" he grinned.

Then they helped them get on the board. "What will be with that boat?" Naomi asked and pointed on their little wooden boat.

"Someone will take care of it" one of the police men said.

"By the way you two are so f*cked" Daniel said to them.

"No sh*t sherlock, we were lost on the sea, of course we would be f*cked if they didn't find us" Max said.

"I don't mean this" Daniel said seriously.

"What can possibly be worse?" Naomi asked him.

Daniel was quiet.

"Speak" Max demanded.

"Media knows, it is all over media, headlines. Max Verstappen and his girlfriend went missing. Also both of your photos are attached to the headlines and news, so your relationship is basically public now" Daniel said.

"Who gave them the info" Max asked calmly.

"That you are missing? Police, they thought it will help with a search and about Naomi being your girlfriend? They just assumed probably or connected all the dots, I'm not sure. I'm just warning you both, they are waiting like hawks."

"Naomi? Are you alright? How are you feeling about this?" Max asked her, completely ignoring everyone else.

"What happened, happened, we can't do anything about it anymore, so we just have to accept it, how it is."

"No Naomi, that's not an asnwer, how do you actually feel about this? I can sue them all for spreading false informations, I can find some solution how to fix this."

"Max, I'm fine with it. Thank you for today, I was so scared and how you handled today's situation made me realise that you are the best partner I could wish for and that we can handle everything together."

One of a police man came to them. "We informed your families that you both are alright and that you will contact them soon."

Naomi started to feel so much calmer after hearing this, she felt bad that she caused this anxiety to her parents, but at least they now knew, that they were found.


"Stop, we cannot land there, what are other options" Max said when they were almost at a port.

The police man looked on the port. There were people, many people. He quietly told something to the other police man who seemed to have higher rank and who seemed to be in a charge of this rescue.

"I will check what we can do, with this amount of people it would be dangerous and I don't have enough police men here to escort you safely" the police man in charge said.

A drone flew over the boat. Max pulled Naomi into a cabin.

The police man in charge followed them in. Daniel was talking in the cabin with a captain.

"Can't you just drop us off somewhere?" Max asked.

"No, you both need to go with us to a police station, we need to file in a report of what happened" the police man said.

"Is it necessary? Some current took us out on sea, that's all, as you can see we have other problems to deal with."

"Mr. Verstappen, I don't know if you realise, but your little failed trip just employed tens of police men. You caused a helicopter search and also multiple boats were inclueded in your search."

Naomi placed hand on Max's shoulder and gave him a disapproving look.

"I know darling" Max sighed. "I'm sorry, we will gladly go with you and cooperate" Max said to the officer.

Daniel who was in the cabin slightly opened his mouth and raised his eyebrows in a surprise.

"What" Max said to him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing...thank you Naomi, it's trully amazing how much of an influence someone can have." Daniel winked and went out of the cabin.


One more chapter for you all ♡ ily, thank you for the support ♡

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