35. No escape

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Warning: swearing (a lot)

In the morning Naomi started packing her things, it was Saturday and she was supposted to leave with Max to Monaco, to bring their kitten Blue to her new forever home.

She still wasn't sure about this trip, especially after yesterday.

Naomi packed all the things for the kitten. Max was still nowhere to be seen. Naomi chatted with everyone in the living room.

Max walked downstairs. Naomi wasn't sure if he is hangover, because he looked more moody than usual.

He didn't say a word to her. He took bowl of an oatmeal and went back upstairs. When he returned back down he was holding his suitcase. He tapped on his watch and pointed to the garage, Naomi understood to his gesture, it was time to go.

She grabbed her suitcase from upstairs and went into the garage. To her surprise in the garage was a black van, Max's valkyrie was gone. She placed her things in the van and then placed there things for the kitten too. She went back into the living room to say bye to everyone.

Despite all the problems what they had, she enjoyed this vaccation and felt sad, that it is already time to leave. Luckily she knew, she will see them soon.

The goodbyes were quick, Max seemed to be in a rush and he didn't even bother with saying goodbye to anyone. Carlos gave Naomi a long hug. Daniel hugged her too "see you in the factory" he said. Then she said goodbye to Lando, Alex and Charles, Alex gave her, her phone number and she told her that they should definitely meet in the paddock next race, Naomi agreed.

Max went to the garage with a cat travel box in his hand. Blue was already inside. Naomi followed him. Max was awfully quiet. He drove the van out of the garage.

"Is this your van?" Naomi wanted to break a silence what was between them, but she didn't recieve a response.

She put her headphones in. The rest of the drive to an airport was silent.

When they arrived Max quickly jumped out of the car and grabbed his suitcase and suitcase with things for the kitten. Naomi took her own suitcase and the cat travel box.

She quickly catched up on Max.

"I didn't see your Valkyrie, where is it?" she asked, but recieved no response.

"Hello? Did you lost the ability to talk or what?" she again didn't recieve any response.

"You know what, I am not going anywhere with you" she didn't have nerves for this. Naomi turned around and started walking away.

"Stop! You are going, Blue needs you" he said and finally broke the silence what was between them since the morning.

Naomi rolled her eyes, but returned back, this was riddiculous, Blue for sure didn't need her, but because Max finally stopped his silence she decided to go.

She walked into the jet and placed the travel box with Blue on a ground. Naomi took her seat and waited for the jet to take off.

Naomi started reading a book, but she could barely focus, she still had mess in her mind and she desparately needed to know the truth.

"Max? I want to know what was it about yesterday?" she said.


"Obviously you had some problem and I just want to know what is going on" she continued.

Max was annoyed by her questioning and Naomi knew it, but she needed answers.

"What were you doing in the restaurant? It wasn't a coincidence right?" Naomi kept asking.

"It was nothing, don't be so full of yourself, the world doesn't revolve around you" Max said with sassy tone.

Mean Max was back, but Naomi didn't want to drop this topic. "Do you usually stare at people as a creep?".

"Nope, only when my coworkers are trying to f*ck with my rivals" Max said.

Naomi gasped. "What the f*ck? Are you serious right now?".


"First of all I'm not f*cking with your rivals and second of all even if I would f*ck with a whole grid it is not you business!!" Naomi was furious.

"It is my business! You are my coworker, how can team trust you if you are f*cking our rivals?" Max said.

"What the f*ck?! You have no right to care about my s*x life! I also don't care about yours! Or maybe you would like to share who was that woman with you?!" Naomi felt very angry.

"You are f*cking with my rivals so I can f*ck with who ever I want to"

"You know what, I am so done with you! You know nothing about me and you have no right to tell me what should I do!" Naomi wanted to run away but she couldn't, because they were thousand of meters above the ground. She wanted to break something.

Naomi quickly went to a bathroom. Anger was slowly replaced by a sadness, Max's assumptions were unfair and disgusting and mainly it wasn't his business. She had no idea why he cared so much about it, but it was absurd.

She remained hidden in the bathroom for the rest of the flight.


10k reads and so many votes, I am so grateful, thank you♡

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