95. Sponsorship (part two)

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"Can we take photos?" Olivia asked them.

"I would say no, but we match so nicely that sure, you can" Max smirked.

Olivia positioned them in front of cameras and turned studio lights on.

"You can pose or just stand there, it's up to you, we will take some pictures of you both together and then separate ones."

Max stood there like a figurine, not knowing what to do. Naomi and Olivia exchanged looks. Naomi chuckled. "Relax, it's just a picture" she said to Max.

"I'm relaxed, this is my relaxed pose" Max said. Naomi wasn't sure, if he was trying to convince her or himself.

"Just pretend like the camera isn't there" Naomi said. Max shifted his attention towards her. Their eyes met.

"You look good in pink, better than in your Red Bull t-shirt, also I'm glad you have something else than skinny jeans" Naomi smiled.

Max grinned. "I'm glad you like it, maybe I will consider wearing something else more often...but not too often, I like my Red Bull t-shirts way too much, but what do you have against skinny jeans?"

"I have everything against them, be careful, maybe I will take them all away from you and burn them" Naomi smirked.

Max laughed. Naomi saw that Olivia was taking pictures of them.

"Let's pose" Naomi said to Max.

"I don't know how to" Max admitted.

Olivia intervened. "Can you hold her by her waist?"

"Happily" Max smiled and grabbed Naomi by her waist and pulled her closer.

Olivia snapped few pictures.

"Ok, I think this will be good enough, I already took some pictures while you were talking before. Max we will take pictures of you now" Olivia said.

Naomi went to Olivia and watched how she was taking pictures of Max. Max didn't pose, he just stood there.

"Done" Olivia said. "Naomi, now you please."

"Should I pose?" Naomi asked.

"That would be great" Olivia said.

Naomi went in front of the camera. Max went away with someone who wanted to discuss something with him. She never got her pictures professionally taken before so this was new for her. She felt awkward, but managed to do a pose what was showing off her bag.

'Wonderful, hold it" Olivia said.

Naomi did couple more poses. After a while someone brought a chair which made it easier for her, because she could use it as a prop while posing, it was offering her to do more poses and making it more interesting.

She noticed, that someone was watching her. An older lady with a black bob and glasses. Naomi ignored it.

"And we are done!" Olivia said with a happy tone. "You were wonderful!"

"Thank you" Naomi said nervously. She was ready to go find Max, but she got stopped by a lady what was watching her.

"Excuse me miss, I'm Sarah Clark, one of a managers" the woman said.

"Hi" Naomi awakwardly smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" Sarah said without any expression.

"Sure" Naomi answered.

"I was watching you and I think you would be a perfect fit for our new campaing. Would you be interested in being a face of our new campaign for a winter season?" Sarah asked.

"That's- wow, can you give me a minute to think about it?" Naomi answered.

"Sure, I will be right there" she said and pointed on a sofa in a corner.

Naomi turned around on her heel and rushed to Max, who finally returned.

"Did something happen?" Max asked with a worried tone.

"No- yes, they want me to be a face of their new winter campaing" Naomi quickly said.

"That's wonderful darling" Max said with an excitement.

"Is it? I am not sure about it, I don't know if I'm a right person for it."

"I think you are, I think you are the best person for it, but also this decision is up to you, I will support any decision you will make darling."

"I just wanted to hear what you think, I value your opinion" Naomi said.

"I think you should go for it" Max gave her a soft smile.

"Thank you" Naomi turned around, but she stopped immediately and turned back.

"Max? People will hate me for it, they will think I'm with you just to get fame and also I have a job, I don't have time for this."

Max chuckled. "People are just jealous, I'm sure you would get this opportunity even if we didn't date, I mean have you seen yourself in a mirror? You are so stunning, that there isn't even any flower what would match your beauty."
Naomi felt tears forming in her eyes. "Thank you" she quietly mumbled.

"And about your job...let me call Christian" Max said.

"No, don't worry about it. I will text him I guess" Naomi said immediately.

"Let me solve it for you alright?" Max pulled out his phone. He called Christian and quickly explained the situation. Christian didn't mind, it would be just a few days of photoshoot and maybe a runway so he didn't see any issue in it.

Naomi felt weird, she never had a job like this before, where her boss would be so kind to her and where she would be able to do almost whatever she wants. She texted Christian a quick thank you.

Naomi went to Sarah. "I will take it."

"Great, we will email you all the details and contact you soon" she said and then they exchanged contacts.

"We will prepare a contract, but in a meanwhile we will pack clothes for you, so you can wear it and take some pictures in it maybe, consider it to be a gift" Sarah said.


Naomi and Max waited for someone to bring her clothes how Sarah said. When it finally happened Naomi was speechless, she didn't expect to recieve multiple boxes of things. They had issues to fit everything into the car, but they were successful.

Naomi's phone rang. She picked up the call. "Yes?"

"Hello, this is Sofia from Dior, we are interested in a colaboration."


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