62. Bodyguard

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She didn't regret the kiss, but Max avoided her, he ignored her calls and didn't respond when she was knocking on his door. Naomi gave up, she thought that he regret it, it made her upset.

It was a media day, she called herself a taxi to get to the circuit, when she walked out of the hotel the paparazzi started taking pictures of her. Naomi quickly went into the taxi, she had sunglasses on to cover her red eyes. Since their pictures were leaked she was getting hateful messages and some people went that far, that they threatened her and her family.

Her parents called her yesterday, because they saw the pictures and Naomi had to explain to them everything, she didn't go into the details, she didn't feel like explaining it, because she was still confused about it.

She was stressed about this paparazzi situation, they followed her and stalked her, she suddenly had zero privacy.

The taxi took her to the circuit. Naomi went to the Christian's office, because he texted her, that they need to talk. This just added to her stress, she thought that maybe Max didn't want her to be around anymore, maybe he conviced Christian to fire her.

Her eyes were red, she had dark undereye bags, because she didn't get enough sleep and she was pale as a ghost, she knew she looked terrible.

As soon as she entered the paddock it started again. People were taking pictures and recording videos.

Naomi had enough, she quickly ran to the Christian's office, she knocked and walked in. Christian wanted to say something, but when he saw her he closed his mouth.

Naomi took off the sunglasses and sat in a chair.

"I'm gonna call a doctor" Christian said while scanning her face.

"No, I'm fine" Naomi sighed.

"Certainly you are not, I know what happened, paparazzi took pics of you and Max. I can assure you it is fine, I don't care what you and Max do in your free time, if that is what concerns you" he said.

"Me and Max...it is not how it looks."

"Look Naomi, I really don't mind. I actually called you here, because I hired you a bodyguard" Christian said.

"You did what? Why?" Naomi asked.

"I saw tons of pictures of you captured by paps and videos too, I know it can be overwhelming and I care about your safety."

"Wouldn't just be easier to fire me? Security is expensive" Naomi said, she felt very pessimistic today.

"Stop Naomi, you are part of our team, I won't let them chase you" Christian said.

"Max doesn't have bodyguards" she said.

"Yep, he refuses them, I would be calmer if he had them, but you know Max, he won't listen."

"How does it make a sense that I will have a bodyguard when Max doesn't? I'm not important like he is" Naomi said.

"I want to protect you" Christian said.

"Are you not angry? That I'm spending time with Max? I don't want to cause any troubles" Naomi continued, nothing made sense to her anymore.

"Why would I be? Naomi...I just want him to be happy, he is like my son."

Naomi couldn't help herself, her eyes started watering.

"Naomi, go back to the hotel and get some rest, I'm giving you free time until the event" Christian said.

"No" she said.

"Yes, you will go, it wasn't a question" Christian said.

"Please Christian, I need to work, I'm serious- I want to, if I will not do anything, I will go crazy" Naomi said truthfully, she wanted to work, she wanted to keep her mind busy.

Christian looked at her face once again, he was thinking for a few moments. "Fine" he sighed, but you are really free to go whenever you want to, you will meet your bodyguard tomorrow."

"Thank you" Naomi said and got up.
As she was leaving the office a message notification appeared on her screen. She saw Max's name. Her heart skipped a beat, he finally decided to stop ignoring her, she smiled.

Her smile quickly faded away, when she opened the message. It was bunch of videos and pictures, he wrote a message to it: content for instagram and tiktok.

That was it, nothing more, that bastard decided to take avoiding to a new level. Naomi's sadness was replaced with a rage. The audacity what he had was unbeliviable.

He ignored her calls, but he couldn't hide from her forever, she was determined to find him.

She took her sunglasses back on, if he thought that he can hide from her, he was wrong.


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