20. Prank

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When Naomi woke up the next morning an uplesant surprise was waiting for her.

When she opened her phone she saw 99+ notifications on her instagram and twitter. She had to double check if she is really holding her own phone or her work phone. Obviously it was her phone.

She quickly opened her instagram. She saw 1324 follow requests and tags in some posts. Naomi was confused what was going on.

She clicked on one of a tag notifications and opened the post where she was tagged in.

It was a video of her opening the gift box. The video was taken from a surveliance camera. Someone reposted it and tagged her in it. Naomi quickly went to Max's instagram profile, sure enough it was him who posted the original video and tagged her in it. How he found her instagram was a mystery for her.

Naomi felt a little bit upset, not because of the prank, she had to admit it was a good prank, but because of the fact that he tagged her in the video. She was a very private person and this didn't feel right to her.

She deleted all the requests and turned off her phone, she didn't want to deal with it now.

Naomi took a shower and brushed her teeth. She did her makeup and changed into a pink sundress. It was perfect time to go outside.

She walked into a hotel's hallway.

She saw Daniel and Max there. She knew they were on the same floor as her, but she didn't understand what they were both doing there.

"What are you doing?" Naomi asked them and went to them. She quickly spotted that Max is holding the same box what he gave her yesterday.

"I am glad you picked up your little pet" Naomi said with unreadeble tone.

Max had a frown on his face.

Daniel looked lost in his thoughts.

"Daniel?" Naomi said, still waiting for answers.

Daniel finally snapped back into a reality.

"Max bought this spider yesterday from some guy and he doesn't know what to do with it now, so I am helping him" Daniel said.

Naomi stared at them both and then bursted out laughing.

Max was giving her a death stare.

Naomi had to catch her breath before she could talk. "Your prank kind of backfired" she said with joy in her voice. She didn't even have to plan a revenge, because Max did this to himself. She felt so much joy that she completely forgot about the video of her opening the box on the whole internet.

"This is not f*cking funny, this is a tarantula and I have no idea what to do with it now, that as*hole who sold me this spider doesn't want it back, I payed him a lot for this" Max said with anger.

"First of all you probably got scammed because we are in Australia and spiders are literally everywhere here, so that guy probably just caugh some on his backyard and sold it to you and second of all, I guess you have a new pet so enjoy it" Naomi said and winked.

"Maybe we can throw it out somewhere" Daniel said seriously.

"Don't you dare! You can't just throw it somewhere" Naomi said.

"But what else we should do" Daniel asked her.

"I don't know, it's not my problem" Naomi shrugged her shoulders.

Max stared at the box like he was trying to blow it up with his mind.

Naomi looked at them, she was more concerned about the spider than about them.

"You both have huge following on instagram, why don't you post on your insta that this spider is looking for a new home" Naomi said.

"Naomi! yes! that's a great idea" Daniel said.

Daniel pulled out his phone ready to take a picture and post it. Naomi stopped him.

"No, let Max do it, this situation is his fault" she said.

Max took out his phone and took a picture of the box. Then he posted it on his instagram.

Naomi didn't care about the outcome of this situation, she said bye to Daniel and left the hotel.


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