103. Bus Stop

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"Where do you think you are going?"

Naomi was in a shock and disgust. Of course he found her, it was no surprise, he must have stalked her. She quickly looked around, there was no one who could help her. She couldn't hide her fear.

"Stay away" she said, trying to sound brave. Eyes of her ex were emotionless, he was really giving her chills. She felt like something is wrong with him even more than ever before. It seemed like he lost all emotions and became psychotic.

"No, we belong together my doll, I have been looking for you" he smirked, but his eyes remained ice cold.

"No" Naomi said with a shaky voice. She took out her phone to call police, but he immediately snatched it from her.

He took her hand and started pulling her somewhere with him. Naomi grabbed a wooden fence with her second hand to gain some stability and tried to get away from his grip.

"Let's not make a scene here doll, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you or your family or that disgusting piece of sh*t from formula".

Naomi gulped. "You are sick" she hissed.

"Maybe and so what? I feel fine" he said.

He pulled her again and Naomi felt how the fence what she was holding on to dug into her skin cutting through it.

"Stop it or else" he said angrily.

She saw pure evil in his eyes and let go off the fence, there was no use. She didn't want anything bad to happen to someone who was close to her.

"Where are you taking me?" Naomi asked with a fear in her voice.

"Somewhere where we will have little privacy" he said with a disgusting tone.

Naomi felt dizzy. This wasn't going to end well. She remembered what all self-defense coaches were saying...never let anyone take you to the second location, but she felt like she has no choice. She thought it is better if he will hurt her than her family or Max.

The bus arrived to the bus stop. They were already few meters away from the station. If it came a bit earlier, she would have got in and she wouldn't be in this situation. Naomi saw the bus passing by and leaving.

Her ex smirked.

And suddenly. A fist crashed into his face. Naomi felt that grip of his hand is finally gone and a shock flashed through her body. Everything was happening so fast. Naomi quickly blinked and gasped. It was Max's fist what crashed into a face of her ex and now Max was beating him.

"Max!" Naomi shouted. There was blood on the ground. Max turned around.

"I am so sorry darling, are you alright? I swear he is going to regret this" Max said angrily.

"I am alright, thank you. That's- that's my ex" Naomi said.

"Wrong, that was your ex, because he will be f*cking de*d when I am finished with him" Max said.

"Stop, Max, please" Naomi said. She didn't want Max to get into a trouble.
"How did you even get there? How did you find me?" Naomi asked.

"That's a long story I am affraid. You are not going to like this, but I basically found someone who hacked your phone to tell me where you are, and he sent me a location. I was nearby so I jumped into a bus and then the bus stopped there, and I saw you...Naomi call the police" Max added.

"No" Naomi said.

"What do you mean Naomi? now it isn't time to play a hero with a kind heart, he literally needs to be arrested, he is dangerous" Max said, while pressing her ex to the ground.

"I can't, you just beat him, we cannot have any other issues with police" Naomi explained.

"I don't care, I will take the risk" Max said. He took his own phone and started calling the police. Naomi was worried that it will just cause another issue. Her ex was on the ground, he was conscious, but didn't fight back, because he had enough. He was just holding his bleeding nose while Max was kneeling on him, keeping him on the ground in a case that her ex would decide to run away.

The phone call was quick and few minutes later police arrived. Everything happened quickly. One police car drove away with her ex and second car arrived for them, to take them on a station.

To Max's disgust it was the same station where he was before, when he needed their help.

This time they didn't send them to the young police officer, but to the boss of the station. They had to go through interrogation and Naomi had to explain what exactly happened, it was painful for her, but at the same time she was happy that she can get it out of her chest. Max was frowning the whole time when she spoke, while holding her hand.

When the interrogation ended, the police man shifted his attention back to Max. "Mr. Verstappen, do you realize it is illegal to beat someone?" the police man asked.

"I am aware of it, but it was a defense" Max said.

"I am afraid this wasn't just a defense-" he said, but got interrupted by a different police man, who quietly whispered something to him and then he left.

"Well, there are some new informations...He was in a global search for some attacks and frauds, you actually did us a favor. I can assure you he won't be doing any more problems, because he will spend years in a prison" the police man said.

"Fine" Max said.

"So- I think it was just a defense like you said, we don't have to do a big deal out of it" the police man said.

"Yeah" Max said and looked at Naomi who finally seemed to be calmer.

"Fine, you are free to go, but if he will press charges on you, then there is nothing that we can do Mr. Verstappen" he said.

"That is fine, I am aware of it, thanks" Max responded.

"You are free to go" the police man said.

Naomi and Max thanked him, picked up Naomi's suitcase in a reception and left the station. 

Naomi quickly texted everyone that she is alright and texted Christian that she will come to work the next day.

They took her suitcase back to the hotel. They both were incredibly tired so they went to sleep.


New update little bit earlier, because I will be busy on Monday :) next update will be posted on Thursday.

Thanks for voting and reading ♡

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