41. Blue or Pink

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"Are we going by a taxi?" Naomi asked him as they were walking out of the complex.

"Of course not, we are going by a helicopter, you should get used to it, flying by a helicopter is the fastest way how to get from Nice to Monaco" Max said with bored tone.

They returned back to the Max's apartment, his suitcase was already packed, Naomi wasn't sure if he already packed it before or if he didn't even bother with unpacking, but it wasn't important, she was happy, that she doesn't have to wait for a long time. Max basically just unlocked his door, walked in, grabbed his suitacase, walked out and locked the door.

"Are you not going to check if you turned off lights everywhere and other things?" Naomi asked him, his behaviour was really causing her an anxiety.

"No? My maid will come soon anyway, she is taking care of my apartment and my cats when I'm away" he said and rolled his eyes.

"I would go crazy if I didn't check everything" Naomi mumbled and followed him into an elevator.

They took the elevator all the way up to the roof. The apartment building had a heliport and a helicopter was already there.

The helicopter flight was really short and Naomi really started to enjoy going by a helicopter, it was so much better than car or a jet.

They landed on some heliport near the city center. Naomi had no idea where they are so Max had to google the name of her hotel. The hotel was just 500 meters away from them, but soon enough Naomi realised that it will take much longer. Max was getting stopped on a street by fans so what was supposted to be a short walk turned into a very long walk.

Last 200 meters Max sprinted. This decision was fully supported by Naomi, because Max had to be in the factory as soon as possible and they already wasted a lots of time.

They walked through the hotel lobby and to Naomi's room, luckily most of her things were packed so it also didn't take too long.

Then they went to a reception, Naomi checked out and handled them key card from her hotel room.

"We have to call a taxi now" Naomi said.

Max looked beyond annoyed.

"You don't like taxis?" Naomi asked while dialing a phone number what she found on google.

"I don't hate them, I just had one unpleasant experience with taxi, because of a stupid prank what they played on me" he said.

Finally someone picked up her call and Naomi ordered taxi for them to an airport and because they were in the city center, they didn't have to wait, taxi was there in less than two minutes.

Max and Naomi placed their things into a taxi's trunk and they both chose to sit in a back seats.

Airport wasn't far and Max's jet was ready. Despite Max's protests she payed for the taxi and they boarded on the jet.

This time Naomi sat to a table which was located in the middle of the jet. She was determined to do some work, because last days she didn't really do anything, Christian would definitely not allow her to work from home if he would see her lack of productivity.

Naomi placed her laptop on the table. She opened a document where she had notes of latest trends and ideas.

When they took off, Max switched seats and sat to the table too. Naomi didn't really pay attention to him.

"Ehm, can I ask you something?" Max asked.

Naomi looked at him with her eyes slightly narrowed with suspicion.

"Only if you are not going to insult me again" she said.

"What is your favorite color?" he asked.

Naomi's eyes widened. "What?".

"What is your favorite color?" he repeated.

"I heard you, but what? Why do you want to know, I'm confused.
Are you sure you don't have a bipolar disorder?" Naomi said while closing her laptop.

"What? Why would I have a bipolar disorder?" Max furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know? Maybe because your mood is changing all the time?" Naomi said.

"Can you just answer my question, I realised we are spending plenty of time together and I know nothing about you" Max said with annoyed tone.

"Pink" Naomi said and rolled her eyes.

"Pink? Really?".

"Do you have something against pink or what? I guess you like blue, very basic choice" she said.

"Not that basic as pink" Max said.

"Are you seriously going to argue with me about colors? Pink is just very happy color, it brings me comfort, because it reminds me of fairytales, that's why I like it" she said.

"Blue is more comforting, like a sky or like an ocean" he said.

"Or like the Red Bull right" Naomi rolled her eyes.

"You work for Red Bull too" Max also rolled his eyes.

"I do, maybe I should suggest Christian to switch from blue to pink, just imagine yourself in a pink racing suit, that would be awesome" Naomi said with a grin.

Max's expression changed into a disgust.

"Favorite food?" Naomi asked him while playing with her bracelet.

"I thought you don't like this questions?" Max said.

"I never said that I don't want to know more about you, I was just surprised that you wanted to know something about me" she said truthfully.

"Tomato soup" he said.

"Unusual choice, but I don't judge" Naomi said with smirk.


"Sushi" she said.


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