12. Visitor

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After the photo shoot, Naomi went to her parents house and spent the rest of the day with them.

They kept questioning her about everything and Naomi told them everything except of problems with Max. It felt nice to be with her family again.

Then she went to her apartment and she posted the video of Max.

She quickly took a shower, brushed her teeth and went to sleep.


Naomi woke up quite early. She oppened the twitter.

She was in shock, overnight the video went viral, completely viral. Not only in F1 world but everywhere. People were sharing it as a funny prank. Charles and Lando reposted the video on their twitters.

It was the same on instagram and tiktok, the video blew up.

Naomi was happy with herself, good numbers, good prank, good revenge. Her day couldn't start better.

She brushed her teeth and decided to make herself some breakfast. She just started when she heard a loud knock on her door.

Naomi facepalmed herself, she still didn't have the door peephole instaled so she had to open the door to see who it was.

She opened the door little bit to see who is knocking so early in the morning...maybe the neighbour needs something she thought.

When she saw who is standing there she immediately pushed the door to close them. Too late they were stopped by Max's foot.

"Can you f*cking tell me what is that video about?! Why did you post it?!" he yelled.

Naomi wanted to answer him, but a door on the left side of a hall opened. It was her super old neighbor.

"Can you stop with this yelling here young man!" neighbor said angrily.

Naomi always knew her neighbor is pretty annoying and rude. She didn't know who is worse to deal with, if it is with her or Max.

Max was ready to snap some rude remark on the neighbor and Naomi decided to react. She quickly pulled Max inside. "Sorry!" she said to the neighbor and closed the door.

Now it was just her and Max, what a nightmare.

"So?" he said.

Naomi panicked. She didn't know what to say. "Do you want a coffee?" she asked him and immediately wanted to slap herself. Why would you invite him for a coffee, she said to herself in her head. Well, maybe it will reduce a tension little bit.

Max looked at her suspiciously. "Do you want to poison me or what?" he asked.

"No, I was just trying to be polite" Naomi said.

He was looking at her with furrowed eyebrows "Fine" he said.

Naomi went quickly into the kitchen, her hands were a little bit shaky. She prepared him a black coffee, because she remembered he ordered it in the cafeteria.

She found him on a sofa in her living room. She handed him a cup. Naomi noticed how he scanned her body and that was the moment when she realised that she is wearing her short silk night gown. Her cheeks were immediately red.
"I will be right back" she said and runned to her room to change.

She quickly changed into a sweather and leggins and returned back to the living room.

"I liked your outfit better before" Max said.

Naomi decided to ignore his remark.

"Now tell me how did you get my adress!" Naomi said angrily.

"I found it on your resume in Christian's office, but back to you and to the video, why the f*ck did you post it" he said.

Naomi was quiet for a while, she has to tell Christian he should lock his office.

"Christian allowed me to post that video" she said confidently.

"That doesn't explain why you did it" he said.

"Because you didn't want to work with me and it is my job to make a content" Naomi said.

"Delete it" he said.

"Too late, it is already all over social media" Naomi said with a smirk. For once she was the one who was winning this little game.

"So miss sunshine decided to make fun of me in front of the whole internet-" he said, but Naomi cutted him off.

"If you wouldn't be so selfish you wouldn't be in this situation!" Naomi said.

"And stop whining about it, it is just a stupid prank" she added.

Max stood up, he came close to her and lifted her chin with his finger.

Naomi's heart started beating like crazy. She looked into his eyes.

Max leaned closer to her, still lifting her chin, he was now just a few centimeters from her face.

"Stupid prank you are saying? We will see about that" he said.

He stepped back, gave her a smirk and then left her appartment.

Naomi breathed out, she didn't even notice she was holding her breath.

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