52. Flowers

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It was early saturday morning and Naomi was back in the hotel. She came back yesterday very late and now she had to get up early, because even though Max apologized, some people were still upset with his behavior, because of that everything needed to be perfect including social media content.

Naomi heard a knock on her hotel room door.

"Just a second!" she yelled. She quickly took on a hoodie and went to open the door.

"Are you miss Naomi?" the young man asked. He held a large flower bouquet in his hands.

"Yeah, that's me" she said with confusion.

"Fine, here you go, my allergies can't take this anymore" the young delivery guy said.

"I'm sorry, but are you sure this is for me? From who?" she asked him.

"Yes this is for you, there is some note attached to it...look I would really like to chat, but I have really strong allergy can you just take this so I can go" the guy said.

Naomi took a bouquet from him, she didn't even have time to thank him, because he left immediately.

She closed the door. The bouquet was something what she has never seen before. There were almost all flowers what she could think of, the bouquet was huge, for most of the people it would look crazy, because of all different flowers which didn't go together at all, but Naomi loved it. It was so chaotic yet beautiful.

Naomi opened the note.

That a*shole gave you just stupid roses as you can see, I can do better than that pathetic as*hole.

Naomi laughed, this was so Max. Always trying to compete in something even if it wasn't a competition.

She placed the flowers into a sink and went to a hallway, she decided to go thank him. She knocked on his door.

Max opened a door, he looked sleepy, probably because he also had to stay until late hours yesterday.

"Morning Max, I came to thank you, but why did you gave me the flowers?"

Max ran his fingers through his hair "I came to the conclusion that he is not good for you, so this was a way to show you that."

"Not good for me? He gave me flowers. I think that's pretty nice of him."

"Basic ones, I gave you better ones, he is not good for you" Max said.

"What are you trying to say? Max do you realise this is not a competition? there is nothing to compete for, so why are you doing this? Just to piss him off?" Naomi asked.

"I'm just trying to prove my point Naomi, nothing more."

"Hmm, I'm really grateful for the flowers but your point is still not proven, he gave me flowers, because he wanted to and that's what makes him good."

"As you can see someone can treat you better."

"Someone can treat me better? Who? You? You did this just because you want to be better than him and you want to take him down."

"I'm busy Naomi, I will talk with you later" he pressed his lips into a thin line and closed the door.

Naomi stared at the closed door, processing what just happened. Then she returned back to her room.
She called a room service and asked them if they can give her another vase, she already asked for one yesterday and they gave it to her.
After a few minutes they brought it to her. She placed flowers from Max into the vase and put it onto a table next to the rose bouquet from Carlos. She stared at the flowers.

Naomi sighed, she didn't have time to think about it now, she had to get ready. She did her morning hygiene already before so now it was time to get dressed and do her makeup.

She was already dressed and giving some last touchups to her makeup when she heard a knock on the door again. She quickly opened them.

"Are you ready, I will drive you" Max said.

"Ok fine, can you give me five more minutes? You can come in if you want."

Max nodded and walked in, Naomi returned to the bathroom and quickly finished her makeup. As she was walking back to the main room her eyes landed on the vase, the roses were gone. Naomi didn't say anything, she sat on a bed next to Max.

"Are we going?" he asked her.


"Why not?" he asked her again.

"You know very well why not, I want my roses back" Naomi said.

"No, I will buy you new ones if you want."

"You won't, these are from Carlos, so you will return them, also where are they?" Naomi asked him, because she couldn't see them anywhere.

"We will be late" Max said.

"Now you care? Unfortunately for you, I don't, I'm not leaving until they are back in the vase" Naomi said and started playing some random game on her phone.

"They are under the bed" Max said after a while.

"Under the bed? How creative" Naomi rolled her eyes. "See, you don't want to be late after all, now pick them up."

"I don't want you to be late" Max said.

"How generous of you, maybe if you didn't do this nonsence we wouldn't be in this situation right?" Naomi said with a sassy tone.

Max got on his knees and pulled the roses out from under the bed.

Naomi took them from him and placed them back into the vase.


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