19. Australia

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They arrived two days ago, they were all staying in the same hotel again. Now it was thursday, which meant a media day for Max and Daniel.

Naomi did her job whole thursday, Max was still very cold to her most of the times but atleast he agreed to take some videos. Daniel was an opposite of Max, he was very kind to her all the time and sometimes it was him who came up with some video ideas what he would like to make.

Christian was happy with her work. Content what Naomi was posting was performing well.

Naomi felt like everything is getting better, she finally understood to her job little bit more.


Friday and saturday was great. Max was performing very well aswell as Daniel. Pole position belonged to Max and on a second position was Daniel.

Naomi continued to do her job. During her paddock walks she met Charles and Alexandra. Charles had to go so he left Alexandra there with her and they started chatting. Naomi and Alex had a lot in common and Naomi enjoyed their interaction. She hoped, she will see her more often.


Sunday's race was amazing. Max was first and he was very happy. Daniel was third. Everyone from Red Bull was very happy, not only because of the win, but also because of the fact that they didn't have to deal with mad Max.

Naomi took some more photos and videos. She congratulated to Daniel and then to Max, she still didn't like him, but she had to admit he drove amazing.

After the race Naomi packed all of her things, Daniel told her, he will drive her back. She was waiting for him.

Max walked past her and gave her a weird grin.

Naomi had no idea what was that about.

Daniel came to her not so long after. "Naomi, Max told me Christian left a box for you in his office".

"That prick, couldn't he tell me when he walked past me?" Naomi sighed.

She was curious what it is and went to the Christian's office. She knew Christian already left.

Max was right, there was a big white box on a table with red bow. There was also a small note attached to it.

Naomi, thank you for your incredible work, please accept this as a gift. Christian

Naomi felt appreciated.

She grabbed a lid of the box and opened it.

Naomi screamed. There was a huge and ALIVE spider. She immediately remembered Max's stupid grin, she should have known, his behaviour was suspicious.

She runned out of the office, but quickly returned, she figured out it would be smarter to close the lid first, before the spider runs away. She was lucky that the spider was still there, she quickly pressed the lid on the box.

She walked out of office bumping straight into Daniel.

"Naomi! Are you okay? I heard some screaming" Daniel said with concern.

"Yeah I am fine, do you want to see something?" she asked him.

"Sure" he said.

Naomi went back to the office and pointed on the box "Open it for a surprise" she said to Daniel.

"You know what, maybe I don't need to know" Daniel said with a suspicion.

"There is a spider" Naomi announced.

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Huh? Spider, why would Christian give you a spider?".

"Because it wasn't Christian who gave it to me" she said.

It took Daniel few seconds until it clicked. "Ahh it was Max" he said and slowly came to the box.

Naomi stand in a safe distance and watched Daniel.

Daniel slowly opened the box and cursed. "F*ck it's huge where did he get him" he closed the lid.

"Where did that a*shole take this spider, if I am correct it can be poisonous" Daniel said with concern.

"No idea where he found him, but he should pray that I don't find him right now or he will see how poisonous I can be" Naomi said.

Naomi walked out of the building and Daniel was right behind her.

"Give me Max's number" she said.

"I don't think it is a good idea to give you his number now, when you are mad. He is an as*hole, but whatever you have planned for him might be too much" Daniel said.

Naomi raised her eyebrows and laughed. "Don't worry I won't hurt your little teammate, but that spider cannot stay in the office" Naomi said.

Daniel looked at her trying to read her emotions, when he realised she is probably not that mad, he gave her his number.

Naomi sent him a text.

Come pick up your little pet as*hole.


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I just started a new story about Carlos :)

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