25. Cars

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They were all back in the house. Naomi was ready to go to sleep, but Danny planned a bonfire and a grill party.

Soon enough they realised Daniel didn't do much shopping and his fridge was almost empty.

"What now?" Naomi asked.

"We will have to do some shopping" said Daniel.

"I can go" Naomi offered.

"No, I won't let you go alone, we need tons of things" Daniel said.

Daniel looked around. Everyone was in the living room except of Carlos. "Does anyone wants to go shopping with us?!" he yelled.

"We will stay" said Charles and hugged Alexandra.

Lando wasn't even listening he was playing with lego again.

"Max?" Daniel asked him.

"No" said Max.

Naomi went to her room and grabbed a purse and her phone. She quickly changed into a baggy jeans and white t-shirt.

She walked downstairs, Daniel was already waiting for her. They were about to leave when Carlos walked downstairs. "Where are you going?".

"We need some groceries" said Daniel.

"Oh, can you wait for me, I will go with you" Carlos said and smiled at Naomi.

Daniel agreed and Carlos quickly went upstairs to change.

"Actually, I will go too" said Max and went upstairs too.

Daniel rolled his eyes. Naomi sighed. Max was really unpredictable.

Carlos and Max came downstairs at the same time. Max was weirdly staring at Carlos.

They walked into a garage. There were three cars, grey aston martin, red ferrari and aston martin Valkyrie.

"Ok, how will we do that, these all are just two seaters" Daniel said.

"Me and Naomi can take my car" said Carlos and pointed to ferrari.

"Absolutely f*cking not" Max said.

Everyone turned to him. Daniel looked confused as well as Naomi. Carlos had unreadable expression.

"How else would you like to do that huh?" Daniel asked.

"Naomi isn't going with him" Max said.

"Why wouldn't she go with him?" Daniel asked.

Max was quiet for a few seconds. "Because she works for Red Bull, it wouldn't look good if she would be seen with this ferrari man" he said with contempt.

Naomi was ready to say something, but Max continued. "Also Naomi needs a new content and this a perfect oppurtunity".

"Since when you care about content?" Naomi said.

"I care about Red Bull, you know I'm always doing what is best for Red Bull" he winked.

"I need content, but I am not going with you, I will go with Daniel then" Naomi said.

Max rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Carlos "I'm not going with you, I will take my own car" he said to him.

They didn't even leave the garage yet and there was already a problem.

"So we will go by three cars?" Naomi asked them.

"Yes" said Max and Carlos at the same time.

"Three super cars going to the supermarket? Are you crazy or what? We will already attract attention even with two super cars. At this point you can straight away post it on twitter that we are going shopping, the shop will be full of fans and paparazzi and we won't be able to shop anything" Naomi said.

Daniel agreed with her. Max was thinking.

"I will take a taxi and go alone" said Naomi, it would solve their problem.

"No, I already told you Naomi, that I will not let you go alone" Daniel said.

"We can disguise ourselfs" said Max with proud expression.

"That's a wondeful idea!" said Daniel with a huge smile.

"Are you going to take a wig or what?" Naomi didn't think it was a good idea, it didn't change the fact that three super cars will draw all the attention and Max's Valkyrie was a pretty famous car.

"No, hoodie, sunglasses and we can go" Max said.

Naomi thought it is a stupidest idea ever, but they really needed groceries and she didn't want to argue with them anymore.

"Whatever" she said. Daniel and Max ran back to change into something. Carlos went too, but he wasn't happy about it.

When they came back. Naomi started laughing. Daniel took it so far that he really put on a wig. She had no idea where he found it, but it was funny. Max and Carlos had hoodies and sunglasses. To Naomi they still looked the same, she knew that someone will be able to recognize them, but she gave up.

Everyone got into their car and Naomi got into Daniel's car. Daniel was the first one who left the garage, because he was the only one who knew where they are going. Right behind them was Max in his Valkyrie and behind Max was Carlos. Naomi saw how everyone is turning their heads when three super cars drove behind each other. Naomi took a few videos.

When they got into a small town with supermarket it got even worse, people were turning their heads and Naomi knew that they will soon have a problem.

Daniel parked on a small parking lot in front of a supermarket, Max and Carlos did the same.

They all got out of the cars and went into the supermarket.


Author's note: Please leave a vote if you like this story :) thank youuu <3

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