29. Police

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Disclaimer: this is a fiction and not how things work in a reality, please keep that in mind :)


Max rolled down his window. One of the officers came to him and started saying something in spanish. Then came the second one, he was much younger than the first one.

"Woah! That's Max Verstappen!! This is so cool!" the young officer looked really excited. The older one, not so much.

"What is the problem?" Max asked.

"I need your ID, this car was reported missing together with it's driver" the older officer said in english.

"This is Max! I know him we don't need his ID" said the younger officer, he still seemed very excited.

Max started searching for his ID, but he quickly gave up.

"I think I forgot it" he said.

"Ok, you will go with us" the first officer said.

"There's no f*cking way, I just forgot my ID, it can happen to everyone".

"You will not speak to me like this, you were reported missing and this car too, I can't identify you and on the top of that you are standing here on the side of the road, that is forbbiden" the officer said.

"Excuse me sir, but this is a misunderstanding, our friend couldn't find us, so he reported us missing, he told me few minutes ago that he will let police know they can cancel a search" Naomi said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"We still need to check, also the last missing person isn't there, we will need you to give us explanation on our police station and because this man is rude, doesn't have his ID and stands where it is forbbiden he will go with us, you can just come later to give us an explanation so we can fill out a paper work" said the officer.

"Are you f*cking serious?! I'm not going anywhere, this is absolutely unfair as you can see we are f*cking fine" Max was angry.

"If you have a problem we can also handcuff you".

Max was ready to yell at him again.

"Can you shut the f*ck up" Naomi said to Max.

"I see you are also being rude to us young lady, get in our car, we will handle it at the station" the officer said.

Naomi was pale. "No, no, no, I was telling that to him, not to you".

"Can you both get out of the car".

"Are you arresting us?" Naomi said with an extreme concern in her voice.

"No, how I said we will need you in the station to give us explanation, also to check this man's identity. He will most likely just be fined" the officer said.

The second officer just stood there the whole time. He was watching Max like he was some kind of rare painting.

"Max, can we please go, I don't want more problems" Naomi said.

"What about my car?" Max asked them.

The officer was thinking. "It can't stay here and I insist on you going with us, can you girlfriend drive your car to our police station?".

Naomi wanted to correct the officer that she is not his girlfriend, but Max was faster.

"Yes, she can" he said.

Max gave her a key and went to a police car. The police officers told her to follow their car. Naomi's hands were sweaty, she was nervous from this whole situation, but even more nervous that she will have to drive Max's car, he wouldn't be happy if she would scratch it.

The police started driving. Naomi quickly started the car, the sound of it was beautiful. She managed to start driving, it felt really surreal, she was extremely careful.

They arrived at the station after 20 minutes.

Max had angry look on his face. Naomi followed them inside. They told them to sit in a waiting area and wait for someone. Naomi was on her phone and they waited for more than hour, she gave a quick call to Daniel to explain him what happened and he told her that he will be there as soon as possible.

"Do you want a coffee?" Naomi asked Max.

"Yeah" he said, his arms were crossed and he was just staring into a wall whole time.

Naomi went to a coffee machine and threw coins in there, she pressed a latte button and waited for her coffee, then she threw more coins in and pressed a black coffee. She handled the black coffee to Max.

It was 9am when Daniel came. He was concerned and started apologizing for calling the police. Naomi didn't blame him, he was just worried.

Finally some man from the police station came to them. He introduced himself and took them all into a room what seemed like his office. They explained him the whole situation, he was typing it in his computer. When they were finished with explaining he started talking about the fines what Max will have to pay.

Max pulled out buch of money out of his pocket, he counted the right amount and gave him the money. There was a more paper work about it.

When everything was finished they finally left the office, they were about to go away from the station when the young officer what stopped them earlier with came to them and asked Max and Daniel for autographs.

When they walked out around Max's car was bunch of people, he ignored everyone and even pushed some people away. He drove to the house.

Naomi sat into Daniel's car and they were also on their way back to the house. Naomi felt like she didn't sleep for days and coffee didn't help her at all. She couldn't wait to be back and just sleep.


Thank you for your support :) <3

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