96. Truth

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"I'm sorry?" Naomi said.

"I'm from Dior and we would like to colaborate" the woman repeated.

"How did you get my number?" Naomi asked, she noticed that Max was curiously watching her so she put the phone on a speaker.

"I messaged to people you follow on your instagram and someone gave it to me."

"It this some kind of scam? Why would you want to colaborate with me?" Naomi asked skeptically. Max next to her was frowning.

"You have a big social media following and you are a fresh new face, also I'm not going to lie, but your relationship with a formula one driver makes it even better."

"Alright, can you tell me more?" Naomi asked, still with an unsure tone.

"We will send you free products, dress you for events and for posts you will get payed."

"Ehm, can I call you back, I have to think about it." Naomi said.

"Sure, call me at any time."

"She will take it" Max said.

Naomi froze.

"Oh, hello?" they heard from the phone.

"Hi, I'm Max, she will take it" Max said.

"Miss Naomi? Is that correct?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, yes I will take it" Naomi answered while looking at Max with widened eyes.

"Awesome! I will text you an adress to my office and you can stop by at any time you would like. I'm there every work day from 8am to 16pm."

"Alright" Naomi said.

"Bye, see you soon!"

"Bye" Naomi hung up.

"Before you say something, I'm sorry, but I won't let you self-sabotage yourself" Max said.


"Rejecting Dior like that?" Max smirked. "I just fixed it for you."

"You always do what you want and rejecting people and when I do it, it's a problem" Naomi playfully rolled her eyes. She didn't mind what Max did, she knew she would just overthink it and this was for the best.

"True, but this is different" Max smirked.

"Sure" Naomi rolled her eyes again.

"But no darling seriously, what were you waiting for?" he asked.

"I never wanted to be some kind of influencer, I'm not sure about it. I was just a little girl who wanted to work in a motorsport and look what is happening now."

"Is it bad? You achieved your goal and life just brought you more opportunitues. You can still work in a motorsport, this doesn't change anything."

"I know, I just don't want to lose myself. People change and I don't want to let this change who I am" Naomi admitted.

"Then don't, don't let it change you."

"I'm just scared."

"I will always be there for you, if you need anything, together we will face to every issue, what will life bring us" Max smiled.

"I don't deserve you" Naomi said.

"No, I don't deserve you."

"I mean it Max, I don't understand what you see in me" Naomi said.

"What I see in you? I see galaxies in your eyes. I see your kind heart and calming presence. You are my lighthouse. I felt lost until I met you and I found myself again when your presence entered my life. You saved me and you don't even realize it" Max said his voice was progressively getting more and more quiet.

Naomi was touched. The atmosphere in the car became intimate. "You know what I see in you?" she said quietly, not waiting for an asnwer "I see that under all that tough facade you have a heart made out of gold. You would do anything for people you like. You are smart and funny and I feel deeply connected to you. I wish you could see yourself with my eyes to realize, how awesome you are."

Max blinked. "You can't say these things to me" he said.

"Why not?"

"Because I didn't pick out a right ring for you yet" he said.

Naomi lightly chuckled. Wiping of a tear from her eye.

"I love you Naomi" he said suddenly.

Naomi blinked. It was the first time he said this to her.

"I love you Max" the words rolled out of her tongue easily. She didn't have to think about it. It was truth and as soon as she said it, she felt like everything clicked into a place, like a last piece of puzzle.

Max stared. Then he spoke "I was affraid to say it to you, because I thought, that you won't feel the same way" he admitted.

"How long?" Naomi asked.

"How long? How long do I love you? I love you for a long time Naomi, for a very long time, but there is something else I would like to tell you, because you deserve an explanation."

"Go on" Naomi said.

"I was awful to you when I met you- It was my attempt to protect myself. When I saw you for the first time, I knew it will be a problem for me to stay away, so I did the only thing I could think of, I tried to push you away. I wanted you to hate me. I wanted everyone to hate me. It's easier that way for me, when people hate you, you can't disappoint them, when people hate you, they don't mind if you lose. I'm not trying to justify my actions, no, I hate how I treated you and I hate that I have to live with it every single day, but I just wanted you to know the truth."

"I don't know what to say" Naomi said truthfully. This confession left her speechless and in her head all the dots started to connect. She was replaying memories in her head and it all made sense now.

"Don't say anything, I just needed you to know this" Max said.

"I appreciate that you told me this, I'm starting to understand to everything now."

"I'm so sorry" Max said.

"Let's leave it in the past and focus on the future" Naomi gave him a reassuring soft smile and lightly squeezed his hand.

"I love you" Max said.

"I love you too."


Thank you so much for your support, ily ♡♡

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