38. Tyre

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Naomi returned to Carlos, he was still sitting on the sofa.

"What did he want?" he asked her.

"Nothing important" Naomi assured him.

Max walked back into a living room few moments after her. He looked at Carlos with anger and walked out of the party.

Naomi felt relief, she will finally be able to enjoy this night. Carlos didn't drink because he will have to drive her back and Naomi decided to not drink any more drinks, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of him.

Naomi really enjoyed this party, it was calm and very friendly, she felt amazing.

When it was finally time to go, she thanked Charles for the invite and hugged Alex, she left with Carlos who promised to drive her back to her hotel.

They walked into a garage which belonged to an apartment complex where Charles's penthouse was, Carlos parked his ferrari there earlier.

They both noticed something is wrong with the car when they were closer, a back tyre was completely flat. Carlos cursed. They went closer to inspect it, on the tyre was puncured a hole. Carlos cursed again, someone did this on purpose and there was no doubt about it.

"Should we call a police?" Naomi asked him.

"I think I know who is behind this, just wait a minute please, I need to call Charles" Carlos said.

He started calling Charles.

"Is there any security person in this apartment complex who has access to cameras?" he asked him. Naomi wasn't able to hear Charles's answer.

"Wonderful, sorry to interupt your party, but can you meet me down in the garage in five minutes?" Carlos said.

Naomi again couldn't hear his answer. Carlos hung up.

"Charles will be there in a five minutes, we will pay a visit to a security guy" Carlos said while inspecting his tyre.

Naomi knew ferrari tyres are expensive, but she was sure he had enough money to fix it without the problem. To be exact she was sure he won't even notice the payment on his bank account, but he obviously wanted to know who did it.

Charles was there in less than five minutes. He looked at the tyre and did a painful expression. He told them to follow him.

They reached a very small building in a back of the apartment complex. Charles rang some bell. An old man opened a door.

He said something in french, Naomi didn't understand a word and when she looked at Carlos she noticed he has the same problem as her.

Charles said something in french.

The old security guy nodded and moved from the door, gesturing for them to come inside.

"I explained him what happened and he will let us look at the cameras" Charles said to them.

The security guy started searching for a correct camera, Charles looked concerned.

Finally the guy found it and gestured once again for them to come closer, he started playing a footage on a screen but he sped it up. Nothing was happening for quite a long time until someone appeared. "Stop, reverse it a bit and put it on a slower speed" Carlos said. Charles said something in a french to the guy and he did what they wanted.

The footage started playing. Luckily the camera had high resolution so they could see everything in a high quality.

The figure appeared on the screen. Naomi gasped, it was Max and there was no doubt about it. He puncured the tyre with some sharp object and left. Charles stood there in disbelief however Carlos didn't look surprised at all. He checked his watch and looked at the time on the screen then he placed his hands in his pockets "I knew it, time confirms it" he said with annoyed tone.

The guy said something in french again. Charles looked like he is unwell. "He is asking if you want to call a police and press charges?" he translated for them.

Naomi started to feel unwell too, for sure Max deserved to face to some consequenses of his actions, but for Red Bull it wouldn't be good, if the  public would find out, it would be a disaster and Christian would be furious.

"No need, I will send him a bill for a repair, I am sure he will pay for it once he calms down, if not I will send it to Christian" said Carlos.

"Is he really crazy or what, I though you two were good friends?" Charles asked Carlos, he still seemed to be in a disbelief.

"We were, I don't know, he is acting like a mad man lately, but I won't press charges, I still consider him to be my friend despite all the sh*ts what have been happening lately" Carlos said.

"I will talk to him, this has to stop" said Charles.

Naomi was quiet, she started to feel bad, because she started to blame herself for this situation, she shouldn't have provoke him.

They walked out of the security building.

"You can stay here Naomi in a guest room if you want, Carlos is staying here too, I have enough guests rooms here, but if you don't want to I can borrow Carlos my car to bring you back" Charles said.

"I really don't want to bother, I can take a taxi" she offered.

"No" they both said at the same time.

"Fine, I will decide for you, you are staying, we can borrow you some things so that won't be a problem" Charles said.

Naomi sighed and thanked him, she didn't have any energy to try to change his mind.


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I have just noticed that this story is already 38 chapters long (nowhere near the end) and I was wondering if it is not too much? Would you like this story to move forward bit faster or do you like it this way? Let me know if you want :)

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