86. Warning

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Free practice day. When Naomi woke up the spot next to her was empty. When she saw a clock on a bedside table, she quickly jumped out of the bed. It was almost noon. A panic washed over her. They were talking until a late night and she overslept.

She didn't understand why Max didn't wake her up. She quickly went to a kitchen, she was sure he left her a note, it was slowly becoming a tradition.

She was correct. On a counter was laying a piece of paper and keys. Naomi took the paper and quickly read it.

I didn't want to wake you up, I had to leave early. Here are your keys. Yes, I know you will be surprised, but they are yours, they belong to you now, I have my own. Have a lovely morning.

She didn't have much time to think about it, she quickly rushed to do her morning routine.


Naomi got from Max's apartment. She decided to walk to the paddock, because it was quite close and the easiest option. She regretted it almost immediately, it was exhausting, people were everywhere, streets were heavily crowded, because of the race. Naomi constantly had to walk around someone, so the walk took much longer then she expected.

She was almost in the paddock, when someone approached her.

"Excuse me?" a teenage girl said. Her friend next to her looked nervous. They were both dressed in a merch. The girl who spoke wore a Ferrari merch and the second girl wore a McLaren merch.

"Yes? How can I help you?" Naomi asked.

"Can you take a photo with us?" the girl in the Ferrari merch asked her.

"Sorry, this has to be some error" Naomi said and smiled.

"Aren't you Naomi?" the girl asked her with a confused tone.

"Yes, I'm" Naomi felt confused too.

"Yeah we thought so, you and Max look good together" the girl said.

"-Thank you" Naomi managed to say.

She smiled for the picture and the girl took a selfie with her. Then she took a picture with the girl in the Mclaren merch. Naomi managed to smile again despite of her shaky hands. This was new for her and she felt very nervous about it. The girls had to see some paparazzi pictures of her and Max.

Naomi walked to the paddock, she was so lost in her thoughts, that she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings.

That was until someone tapped on her shoulder.She turned around. "Charles" Naomi smiled.

"Cool design Naomi" Charles said and winked.

"What do you mean?" Naomi felt confused again.

Charles just smiled, signed a bag of chips of some fan and left, followed by cameras, fans and photographers.

Naomi continued to quickly walk through the paddock. She finally reached the Red Bull hospitality and went in.

She wanted to go to the office, but her eyes landed on a big screen in the hospitality. Max was giving an interview and it was broadcasted on a live tv.

"We can see you have a very original helmet desing, very different from your usual ones, so what inspired you?" the reporter asked him.

The camera zoomed in to his left hand, in his hand was a helmet. Pink helmet, what she designed. Naomi's eyes widened.

"I didn't create it, but someone who is special for me did." Max smiled.

"Would you share with us who is that special someone?" the reporter asked him with a curiosity in her voice.

"I want to share it with the whole world trust me, but it's not only my decision, so I would rather keep it private until my special someone will want to go public." Max grinned.

Naomi looked around the hospitality, she saw some people what she knew, they were all staring at her and giving her a knowing looks.

Her cheeks were red, for many people it was quite obvious that Max spoke about her. Naomi looked down and headed to the office.

She bumped into someone and looked up. She recognized Max's PR manager. He looked at her and frowned. "You are playing with fire" he hissed.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Naomi said calmly.

"Be careful, you can loose your job, when he decides that he doesn't want you anymore."

"That's not your business."

"It is, it wouldn't be good for the PR if he breaks your heart and you will make some scene in the media because of it."

"F*ck off" Naomi said quietly and walked past him. He was right about the loosing of her job, the truth hurt her, if Max didn't want her anymore she wouldn't be able to stay near him and pretend like everything is fine, which would cause loosing of her dream job.

Naomi threw her handbag on a table in the office. She had keys from the Max's apartment, she went on a date with him, she traveled with him and what is most important, she had strong feelings for him, there was no going back.

Naomi unlocked her phone and opened her gallery, she started scrolling through the photos. She had some photos of Max in her gallery and she couldn't help herself and smiled everytime she saw him on her screen.

She quickly realised she doesn't care about what Max's PR manager is saying, it didn't matter. Max was more important for her than this job.


Author's note: Finally a new chapter, yay. Sorry I had to take a break :). I still have exams so for the next update you will unfortunately have to wait for a longer time again :(, but I hope that after exams I will be able to update more often. Thank you for your patience and support ♡♡ ily

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