3. Hotel nightmare

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Naomi was so happy to be back in her hotel room. She was exhausted but she wanted to explore the city.

She started searching for some more casual clothes in her suitcase when she heard a loud knock on the door.
Room service, she though and went to open the door to see what they want.

She opened the door and saw who was standing there, she took a step back and blinked.

It was Max.

"What are you doing here?" she said trying to keep a neutral face expression, she wanted to keep peace between them, because they will have to work together.

"Oh trust me, I'm also not f*cking happy to be here, so you can stop pretending" he said.

"What do you want then?" she asked him completely ignoring his rude comment.

"Our dear Christian forgot to give you enterance passes" he said with irony in his voice.

"Since when they are sending drivers to do a delivery job?" she asked with frowned eyebrows.

"I was on my way to the hotel, and  Christian was looking for someone who will deliver it, he saw me and I guess he decided that I need some sort of punishement, so he told me to do it" he said.

"And because I was tired of his stupid sh*ts and words, I decided to do it, so he would finally shut up" he added.

"It seems more like a punishement for me" Naomi said still frowning.

She wanted to ask him what is his problem, but she was interupted with a loud scream from the hotel's hall.

"Oh f*ck, they found me, let me in" Max said.

"Why would I do that?" Naomi said.

"Because we work together" he said.

Naomi wasn't happy about it, but she really wanted good professional relationship between them so she decided to try to give it a chance, she moved from the door and gestured to the sofa inside. Max went in and she closed the door.

"What was that?" she asked him and sat down into an armchair.

"Just some crazy fans" Max said while doing something on his phone.

Naomi was quiet, not knowing what to say. But Max's voice cutted through the silence after a while. "So you are the new social media person, how did you get that job? You don't seem special, all I see is a pathetic woman who thinks whole world is just sunshines and rainbows" he said while looking at her.

Naomi was a calm person, but what was enough was enough. "Get out, right now" she said trying to keep her voice as calm as possible.

"Gladly" he said and left with a loud door slam.

Her eyes started watering. She didn't expect her first day like this, this was an absolute nightmare for her.

Her phone started ringing. It was incoming face time call from her mom. She quickly wiped away her tears and created a fake smile on her face. She accepted the call.

"Hi honey, how is your first day going? I know you just left but we miss you already" her mom said.

"Everything is going fine, I am really excited for tomorrow" Naomi said with a fake smile.

"I'm happy to hear that. Dad told me to say hi to you. So tell me everything" her mom said.

"Look, mom, I'm sorry, but I'm very tired, can we talk another time please?" Naomi said, because she didn't know for how much longer she could fake this happy face.

"Of course honey, sorry I should have known you will be tired. Take care, you are doing great! We are so proud of you!" her mom said with a big smile.

"Thank you mom, talk to you soon. Bye!".

"Bye honey!".

Naomi quickly ended the call. She took her makeup off, took shower and brusher teeth.

She went to a bed and luckily for her she immediately fell asleep.

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