44. Ferrari t-shirt

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On thursday Naomi came to the paddock early, exactly how she promised to Carlos. It was so early that there were very few people.

Carlos was waiting for her in front of the Red Bull motorhome.

"Naomi hi! Are you ready for a little visit" Carlos said with happy tone.

"Hi! Of course!" Naomi smiled.

Together they walked through the paddock, Carlos was ready to walk into Ferrari motorhome when Naomi stopped him.

"My t-shirt" she said and pointed on her Red Bull t-shirt. When she was dressing up in the morning, she completely forgot that it is not very smart to walk around Ferrari's motorhome and hospitality in a Red Bull t-shirt.

"Hmm, I will be right back" Carlos said and before Naomi could process his words, he was gone.

He returned with a red t-shirt in his hands. "Take this, I have plenty of them" he said.

Naomi took the Ferrari t-shirt from him and she took it on over her Red bull t-shirt. The ferrari t-shirt was big so it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

"Red suits you" Carlos winked.

Naomi just smiled.

Carlos showed her around the Farrari motorhome and hospitality, then he even showed her his driver room.

The t-shirt what he gave her had a huge number 55 on the back. Some people were giving her curious looks and it definitely wasn't because of the fact that she is from the Red Bull team, because they didn't know it. It was most likely because of the fact that she was walking around with Carlos while wearing his t-shirt.

Naomi really enjoyed the tour. Unfortunately she wasn't able to see his F1 car, because the Ferrari garage was crowded with engineers who were preparing the car for tomorrow.

After the tour Carlos apologized to her, because he had some unexpected media duties and he had to go. Naomi thanked him and gave him a quick hug.

She walked out of the Ferrari motorhome back to the paddock. She was heading back to an office in the Red Bull motorhome.

Naomi saw Max, she started looking around to find some place where to hide, but it was too late.

"Nao- What the f*ck are you wearing?!" Max saw her.

Naomi quickly pulled him to a narrow alley which was between motorhomes.

"Shhh! Don't make a scene, do you know how many people are there" she said while looking at the main paddock route from the alley, it was still very early, but some people were already there.

"So now you are hanging out or maybe even sleeping with our enemies here, huh? In this disgusting clown sh*t" he said while scanning the Ferrari t-shirt.

"Can you stop speaking so loudly? I don't have to explain you anything, but because I don't want you to be yelling here some sh*ts, I will tell you what happened. I just went for a little tour around the Ferrari motorhome and hospitality and it wouldn't be good to go there in a Red Bull t-shirt don't you think? So Carlos borrowed me this" Naomi said.

"I don't believe you" he said.

"Believe me or not, I don't care, also what are you doing here? You are always the last one to come and first one to leave" Naomi said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Take this sh*t off" Max said, completely ignoring her question.

Naomi didn't say anything, she wanted to do it anyway, before someone else who knows her will spot her. She placed her hands on the hem of the t-shirt ready to take it off.

"Stop!" Max grabbed her hands. "You can't just walk here in a bra" he said.

"Wasn't it you who told me to take it off? also who is saying I am wearing a bra under it" Naomi said with raised eyebrows.

Max's eyes widened. He took off his t-shirt and gave it to Naomi.

Naomi couldn't help herself, her eyes landed on his abs. She quickly looked away.

"Did you really think that I would walk around in a bra? I have a Red Bull t-shirt under it" she chuckled.

"Max!" Christian's voice interupted them.

Naomi flinched and quickly pressed his t-shirt on his chest. He quickly took it from her and put it on.

"Naomi? Max? What is this? Naomi what are you wearing and Max why you were shirtless?" Christian walked over to them.

Naomi felt heat in her cheeks, she was beyond embarrassed.

"This isn't how it looks" she said quickly.

"Naomi, I don't even know how this looks, because why are you wearing this t-shirt for clowns and why was Max shirtless" Christian looked genuinely confused.

"I just went to visit Carlos in their motorhome, so he borrowed me this" Naomi said with embarrassment in her voice.

"Ok, but why is Max shirtless?" Christain was giving them a weird looks.

"He saw me in this and wanted to give me his t-shirt" she said.

Christian sighed. "Naomi, please go and change, I don't even want to know more and Max, I believe we have enough t-shirts in a stock, you don't need to share yours".

Naomi didn't wait any longer, she went away from them without a word, her cheeks were still red from an embarrassment.


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