79. Date (part three)

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Naomi was truly stunned by this day, her eyes were shinning not only with happiness, but also with something much deeper, with a deep admiration for what Max has just done for her.

It was May, but something about this house and atmosphere screamed Christmas.

Max lit up the fireplace, all lights in the house had nice warm light and the wooden furniture was giving it a special cosy feeling.

Naomi loved this place, it felt like home, so cosy and welcoming.

"Do you like this place?" Max asked.

"Like isn't an exact definition, I love this place with my whole soul, it's so home like, so cosy, warm, welcoming. I love it. What about you?"

"Yes I agree with you, calm, nice place away for everyone."

They sat to a table. The restaurant where they were before felt very formal and this just felt like an opposite of it, cozy, loving, comfortable.

Max was still in his suit. Naomi loved suits, but for this occasion it did not feel right.

“Max? We can change into something more comfortable if you would like” Naomi said.

She noticed he was often adjusting his tie so she figured out he does not feel very comfortable in the suit.

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

Naomi simply nodded. She took her own suitcase to find something better for this occasion. She found a bathroom downstairs and changed there into a big sweater and black pants.

When she walked back, she saw some candles, so she lit them up. This place felt perfect, even the house felt like from that book what she read and what Max read just because of her.

Max returned, he was in a grey sweatpants and a white compression t-shirt. "Naomi, are you sure you want this casual date? I don't know if this is enough?" he asked.

"Are you joking?! You can't be serious Max! This is more than enough! You literally read a book just because I like it and you took me there! It can't get any better."

"Oh, it's nothing, you are making it sound too dramatic, it's nothing extra, just normal."

"You are crazy, if this is basic for you, than I don't even want to know what you would consider extra" Naomi said.

"You will see"

"Max, stop, you are already doing enough for me, you are setting the standards above the sky."

"I just care about you, I want you to be happy" Max said.

Naomi felt tears again in her eyes. She couldn't believe to her luck, to be here with someone like Max, to be on a date with someone who cares about her so much.

"Max, I like you" Naomi said suddenly.

Max's eyes lit up, he was looking in her eyes with I deep emotion. Naomi felt like he is looking straight to her soul. The connection between them was very deep.

"Naomi, I like you too, probably even more than you can imagine, but this...I'm affraid" Max said, suddenly the spark from his eyes was gone.

"Affraid of what?" Naomi slightly tilted her head to a side with a question in her eyes.

"You can't fix me" Max said seriously.

"Good, I don't want to, I'm not the Bob the Builder, you are perfect as you are" Naomi meant every word she said, she liked him, with all of his flaws, she fully accepted him for who he is.

"Let's take it slow Naomi, I want you to be 100% sure about this thing between us."

"I'm sure, but I agree with taking it slow" Naomi said and gave him a soft smile.

Max nodded. He went to his suitcase and started searching for something. Naomi curiously watched him with a glass of wine in her hand. She was scanning his every move, he was atrractive, kind, caring, he was everything what could a woman wish for.

Max found what he was looking for, he was hidding it from her behind his back. Naomi kept staring at him, she couldn't take her eyes from him.

"Naomi, I have something for you."

"Maaax-, this has to stop, I appreciate it, but you can't be giving gifts to me constantly, it's too much."

"I already told you, that money is not a problem for me ok? I like to spend my money on you and on other people I care about."

"I feel bad, how I'm gonna repay you all of this" Naomi said, she really felt bad about this.

"You already did, with your presence, that's the most rare thing for me, so you already gave me more than I gave to you."


"Money means nothing to me and now let me give you the gift."

"Fine" Naomi said quietly.

He pulled out a book, Naomi didn't recognize it at first. Max gave it to her. The book had a silver custom made cover. She gasped. "Is it what I think it is?!" Naomi said with an excitement. The cover was covered with a small engraved pictures of roses and other things.

"Open it" Max said.

Naomi did, she gasped again. It was signed by the author. It was the Court of Thorns and Roses book.

"How?!" Naomi asked.

"Connections, I just pulled few strings and money helps too obviously" Max said and smiled.

"This is incredible! Trully! Max I love it!"

"Your joy brings me joy. Wanna look at other books? They all have different covers."

"Wait- there is more?! There is no way?!"

"Yeah? Whole series of course."

Naomi placed her glass on a table and tightly hugged him. She had to contain herself to not start crying again.

Max pulled out another books from the serie. Naomi examinated them quickly. Then she took the third book of the serie. "You finished just two books right? Did you like them?"

"Honestly, I didn't expect to like it, but I actually did, but to be honest I liked the second book much more than the first one."

"I'm so happy that you enjoyed it atleast a bit" Naomi grinned.

"Can you read for me? Just a small part? If you don't mind?" Max asked.

Naomi's eyes were shinning with happiness "of course I can" she said and opened the third book, what Max didn't read yet.

They sat on a sofa facing the fireplace. Out of somewhere Max pulled out huge blankets and threw them over them. Naomi opened a book and started reading. Max was a good listener, his eyes were full of admiration, he listened to every word she said.

Naomi never experienced a date like this, but she loved every moment of it. It deeply touched her soul and created an unique and strong connection between them, she was sure, she will never forget this, that she will tresure this memory forever.


Author's note: SORRY, I know my updating is so bad right now

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