58. Teddy bear

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They landed. Max looked like he would rather continue playing than to get out of the jet and to the hotel. They were both pretty jet lagged, the huge time zone change wasn't really comfortable.

"Excited for this weeks GP?" Naomi asked him as they were walking to the taxi.

"No" Max said.

"Why not?"

"There will be lots of influencers and I'm not exactly a fan of it. They know nothing about F1 and we usually have to do some stupid videos with them."

"True, it's sad that some fans won't ever be able to get into the paddock, but influencers can, even thought they don't care about the sport at all" Naomi sighed.


"Max? I have an idea, can you get some paddock passes and give them to some fans? You would make them happy and it would be a nice video for the social media as well."

"Yes I can, that is a good idea, it will make someone very happy. I will arrange it with Christian."

They got into their taxi and then to the hotel. Once again they had hotel rooms next to each other.

When Naomi got into her hotel room, she realised how empty it feels. She got so used to Max's presence that this silence was too loud for her.

She unpacked her things and changed into a different clothes. Shebtook a shower and brushed her teeth, she felt jet lagged, but she knew, that she won't fall asleep anyway.

Naomi left her hotel room and knocked on a Max's door, he opened.

"Uhm sorry? I don't want to interupt you, but are you going to sleep?" she asked him.

"Ehm no? Why are you asking? Is everything alright? Can I help you with something?" Max asked with a concern.

"No, I mean- this will sound weird, but do you have time? I have nothing to do so I was wondering if- you know what forget it" Naomi said, she didn't want to annoy him.

"I have time, so what are we going to do?" Max genuinely smiled.

Naomi felt relief that he wanted to spend time with her.

"We played playstation, but what about some board games or cards games? They can be fun too."

"That would be cool, but I don't have any here and I think you also don't have any? Or am I wrong?"

"You are correct, but I will go to buy something, just tell me what would you like to play" Naomi grinned.

"If you though I will let you go shopping for games alone you are wrong, pack your things, we are going for a little shopping spree."

"I really can go alone, it was my idea after all." Naomi said.

"Not happening, just with the fans it will probably be complicated, but I can drive to some smaller town if you want to avoid them?"

"I really don't care, you are Max Verstappen and this all belongs to you, it doesn't bother me, so it is up to you, how much privacy you want."

"Ok let's shop here, we will be quick." Max said.


They arrived to a shopping zone, there was a grocery shop, shop with electronics and lastly shop with toys and games. Naomi knew her presence with Max will cause another wave of rumors, but this time she really didn't care.

They went to a shop with games and toys. Naomi went in and she went right to a board games section. Max followed her, he stopped, to take a picture with a little kid and the kid's father.

"So which one do you want?" she askes him when they reached the board games section.

"I don't know, they all look interesting."

"Monopoly?" Naomi asked him.

"Yes, but I also want this" he pointed on another game and took it out of the shelf.

"Wait a second" Max said and went somewhere.

He returned with a cart and started throwing in almost everything what caught his eye.

Naomi raised her eyebrow in a question.

"I'm just doing a little shopping, I want to have some games in the jet so we can play when we have to fly long routes."

Naomi chuckled. The cart was almost full. Max threw in 3 sets of cards and instead of going to the cash register he started checking more things ehat they had in the shop. He placed a lego formula in the cart too.

Then they finally went to a cash register. Max pulled out his card.
Cashier was scanning things and Max was looking around, then he grinned.

"Can you please wait with the scanning, I forgot something" Max said to the cashier and went somewhere.

Naomi's eyes widened when he returned. In his hands was a huge pink teddy bear, he was almost as big as Max.

"I will also take this" Max said.

Naomi just stared at him.

The cashier finished scanning and Max payed.

Naomi took a cart and Max took the bear and they went back to a parking lot.

"Can you tell me what are you going to do with this?" Naomi asked him as they were placing all the things into a car trunk.

"What I am going to do with it? Nothing, the question is what are you going to do with it" Max said and placed the big teddy bear on a back seat.

"What do you mean?" she asked him.

"It's yours" Max said simply.

"Max, I'm really grateful, but what am I going to do with it?"

"That's up to you, obviously we will have to leave in the jet for now, but I will help you to get it into your apartment later."

"Thank you, but why did you get this for me?"

"I thought you will like it, it is pink" he said.

"Yeah I do like it, thank you" Naomi chuckled, without thinking she hugged him.

Max was surprised by her action, but hugged her back.

Max drove them back to the hotel.


Author's note: Thank you for voting and reading ♡ btw I'm sorry if there is more mistakes than usual, I will try to edit it later :)



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