80. Teasing

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Naomi and Max fell asleep on the couch.

Naomi woke up first, her body was in a pain from an uncomfortable sleeping position. She carefuly got up to not wake Max up, it was still quite early.

A plan appeared in Naomi's head. She quickly did her morning hygiene and changed into a different clothes. She took her tote bag from the suitcase and went outside.

It was a small town so Naomi sighed with a relief when she found a bakery. She bought some pastry and went back outside. She looked around and spotted an older lady with some groceries. Naomi went to her.

"Hi, excuse me, do you speak english?" Naomi asked.

"Hi, yes I do" the lady said with a heavy accent.

"Is there any nice place? I'm here with my boyf- I'm here with someone and I would like to take him somewhere."

"We have here an ice skate rink and there is a place with animals, something like a farm, my grandkids love i" the lady said.

"Ok thank you so much! You helped me a lot! Actually is there any place where I can buy Ice skates?" Naomi asked.

"Yes, there is a small shop with sports supplies right there" the lady said and pointed across the street.

"Thank you!" Naomi gave her a warm smile.

She quickly went to the shop. It was a small shop so their selection was small, but it was good enough. Naomi looked around nervously, she didn't know Max's shoes size. She took her phone and tried to google it, she was succesful. Finally his fame came to a good cause.

She bought one ice skates for her and one for Max and headed back to the house.

Max was sitting on a bar stool in a kitchen with a can of Red Bull.

Naomi crunched her nose. "This is not a very healthy breakfast."

"I know, where were you? I got scared something happened or that you left."

Naomi bit her lip. "I'm sorry, I should have told you."

"What is it?" Max asked curiously when he realised she is holding a big bag.

"Did you have any plans for today?" Naomi asked him.

"I'm just thinking about them now, I didn't really expect that you will agree to this date in Switzerland, so my plans are not fully planned yet, but don't worry I'm thinking about it."

"You can stop thinking" Naomi grinned and put the bag in front of him. "I will take care of today's plan and also I bought us a better breakfast than this" she said and took the can from him and threw it out.

Max just smirked. Then he opened the bag. "Naomi! Ice skates?!"

Naomi nervously bit her lip again. "Wrong idea right? Damn sorry I just-"

Max interrupted her "no, no, no, it is a wonderful idea, but I could have bought the ice skates." Max said, he went to his bag and started searching in it, then he pulled out a wallet.

Naomi knew where this is going. "Absolutely not and I insist Max" she said.

"Absolutely yes, you will not be paying" Max said.



"No or I will leave, I wanted to do something for you too" Naomi said and furrowed her eyebrows.

Max smirked and went closer to her. He lifted her chin. "Look who is giving me ultimatums, darling."

Naomi blushed and looked down.

Max lifted her chin again, to look into her eyes. He leaned to her collar bone and placed a little kiss there "You are being a bad girl darling" he whispered into her ear.

Naomi's legs almost gave up. She wanted him badly. Max pulled away and smirked. "We have plans darling, we should go."

Naomi wanted to protest, but it was her idea after all. She pressed her lips into a thin line and then she took a few deep breaths in and out to calm down.

"How did you know my shoe size?" Max asked.


"Oh, so now you are googling me darling, that's cute, but you know, you could have just call me" Max said.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I did" Naomi answered.

"Ok you have a point, wait a second I will just quickly google myself, I want to know if google has other measurements also correct, just in a case if you will ever be googling another things" he said with a grin and winked.

Naomi went to a bathroom and quickly splashed her face with a cold water. This day will be a challenge.

"Naomi darling! No need to be shy! I can give you my measurements if you are interested! " Max yelled playfully from the kitchen.

Naomi had enough of his provocation, she could do it too. "Just a second I will get changed!" she yelled and went to their room. She took on a black lingerie and took her hair out of the bun. She smirked when she looked into a mirror.

Naomi walked back to the kitchen.
"Max, did you see my sweather? It should be somewhere here?" she said innociently.

Max stared. He didn't even notice, that she said something.

After few seconds he shook his head and cleared his troath. "Go change darling, don't provoke me."

"Provoke? I'm just looking for my sweather" Naomi said with a smirk.

"Go change or you will be soon looking for your underwear too, because it certainly won't be on your body anymore."

Naomi chuckled, her mission was succesful. She rushed back to the room and changed into a warm clothes. When she returned Max wasn't in the kitchen anymore. Naomi heard running water, he was taking a shower.


Thank you for your patience! I know the updating is slow right now :/ sorry. Ily ♡

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