89. B-day party (part two)

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Warning: extremely delusional chapter (I'm sorry (or not)) :D

Naomi went back to the room. Her eyes immediately landed on her costume, it was a huge pink sparkly gown and next to it was laying a crown. The dress was so big that Naomi was almost sure she won't even be able to fit through the door frame.

She took her phone and texted Max to come to this room. She wanted to talk with him, because the costume was ridiculous.

She was waiting for long ten minutes, then she sighed, because she realised, he probably didn't even hear a message notification because of the loud music, she took her dress off and stared at her costume.

The door opened, Naomi got startled, when she saw someone, who she didn't recognize at first, but after a second she realized who it is. It was Max in a costume. He was wearing a pink driver's costume with a pink helmet and pink racing suit.

Naomi smiled.

Max took off the helmet and just stared. Then Naomi realized she is standing there just in her underwear. She quickly took a sheet from a bed and wrapped herself into it.

"The sheet is not necessary darling, no need to be shy, be a good girl and put it back, alright?" Max smirked.

Naomi did as he said and unwrapped her body from the bed sheet and threw it back on the bed.

"Much better" Max smiled and placed the helmet on the bed. Then he made few steps forward until he stood right in front of her.

Max looked into her eyes. "You look beautiful" he said, while brushing a strand of hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear with a gentle movement.

Naomi felt captivated by his eyes. Max's finger started tracing her collar bone. He slowly hooked his finger around her bra strap and pulled it down.

"I should get dressed, not the other way around" Naomi whispered.

"Hmm, they are waiting for you, but I would much rather have you for myself."

"You have too much clothes on, I think it's unfair" she said quietly and smiled.

"We can fix it" Max smiled, then he pressed his lips to hers. Naomi pulled him closer, she started searching for a zipper of his costume while kissing him.

They both didn't notice that the door to the room opened until they both heard a gasp. Naomi quickly pulled away from Max. Max turned around to see, who had the audacity to interrupt them and stood in front of Naomi to cover her up.

"We are all waiting for you both and you are making out" Daniel said while smilling.

"Daniel, I swear if you won't get out right now, you will regret it" Max said.

"I'm going, but we are waiting!" Daniel said loudly and then he left and closed the door behind him, they both could hear him laughing.

"I'm so done with them, they really ruin everything" Max rolled his eyes.

Naomi just chuckled and then she looked at her costume.

"Why would you choose this?"

"Because I felt like it's a good idea."

"Can you atleast help me to get into it, it has a corset and so many layers."

"Of course" Max smiled.

It took almost 15 minutes until Naomi had her costume on. She knew that at this point everyone will think, that they did something else, instead of putting on the costume, because it took them too long.

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