75. Painting

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Max and Naomi took all the things back to the apartment.

Naomi still had a princess crown on her head. They placed everything into the living room.

Max looked at Naomi, suddenly his face lit up. "Naomi, I just got the best f*cking idea, I will quickly make a stop in a store and I will be right back ok?"

"Yeah fine, but Max? What do you want to eat? It's already a lunch time" Naomi asked him.

"I will pick something up for us? What do you want?" Max asked.

"No you won't, you are my guest and now you are helping me to paint here, I will take care of the food ok? So what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know? Pasta? But I really can order it."

"Pasta it is."

Max went to the door to leave.

"Max! Wait! Take keys, so you don't have to ring a bell or knock."

Max smiled and took the keys from her. Naomi went to the kitchen and started cooking pasta and a tomato sauce. She turned on spotify on her phone and started playing music.

She let the pasta boil and started preparing sauce, she was quietly singing for herself.

Pasta was done quickly, she served it and placed two plates on the table, the timing was perfect, because Max just returned.

"Max! It's ready!" Naomi yelled when she heard the front door opening.She wanted to laugh, this situatuation felt kind of bizzare to her, like they are a married couple.

Max came to the kitchen, with a big bag in his hand "Thank you" he grinned and gave her the keys back.

"What do you want to drink? I have wine, juice, soda..."

"Do you have red wine? That goes well with pasta" he said.

"Yeah" Naomi took two glasses and poured them a red wine. They started eating.

"I have to say, that you could be a chef, this is so goodddd" Max said.


When they were finished, Naomi cleaned up the dishes.

Max placed the bag on the table, he was still grinning.

"So you are probably wondering, what is in it" Max said.

"Not really, but go on" Naomi chuckled, Max looked so proud of himself that she simply found it funny.

Max pulled out two boxes. "You know I'm not a fan of phones, but I found a solution...digital cameras, I got one for you too, we can do a little social media detox you know."

Naomi quickly blinked, she definitely didn't expect this. "That's cool, but Max, my work is literally a social media, I cannot just turn off my phone like you."

"You definitely can, I will call Christian that you won't be available and then, after you will start working again, you can still use a camera, it has its charm."

"It trully has, but Max, you can't call Christian and tell him what to do all the time, I'm still his employee. You can't call him that I'm taking a break."

"And so what? I can do whatever I want and you can too, he needs me and I don't need him, I can quit if I wanted to or some other team would take me, right now I'm irreplacable so he has to listen to me."

"But I'm replacable Max, he can replace me anytime, there are hundrets and thousands of people who would like to do this job. I can't be taking breaks."

"Surprise darling, you are not replacable. I wouldn't work with anyone else, which makes you also irreplacable, I'm sure Christian is aware of it."

Max did what he said and called Christian, he announced him, that Naomi is taking a break for three days and that he is also taking a break. Christian didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Max also unpacked and setted up both cameras. When he was done he gave her the camera and kept the second one. Then he took a picture of Naomi and then another one. She grinned and also took some pictures of him.

Then Max went to the living room to start with painting. Naomi promised to join him, but she needed to call her parents first and respond to some emails before she will log off for some time.

When she was finished, she walked into the living room, Max already pushed some furniture away and covered it. Naomi zoned out.

"Are you alright?" Max asked.

"Yes, sorry, seeing this just brought up one memory" she smiled.

"What kind of memory?"

"I loved painting rooms when I was a kid, I was so excited everytime when my parents decided to paint some room, because they alway let me draw on the walls, before they painted them. You can probably imagine how drawing on the walls will make a kid happy" she said.

"That's cute, so what you are waiting for?" Max asked.

"I'm not going to draw on the walls" Naomi gave him a soft smile.

"Why not? I know you want to do it. Do you have any markers? Or pencils or something?" he asked.

"Yes, I do"

"Bring them ok?" Max smiled.

"Alright" Naomi said, she found in a drawer some markers and brought them to him.

Max took a blue one and gave her a pink one. "Let's draw"

Naomi grinned, when the marker touched the wall she felt a joy, it was silly, but she enjoyed it.

Max attempted to drew a cat. Naomi drew flowers.

"Let's have a little challenge" Max said.

"What kind of challenge?" Naomi asked him.

"Drawing competition, who will draw a better car wins" Max said.

"Challange accepted" Naomi smiled.

Max took the challenge very seriously, he was focused. Naomi didn't take it seriously at all, she was drawing, but she kept glancing at him, she was impressed by his focus.

"I'm done" Max said.

"I'm done too" Naomi said.

Max looked at both drawings. "How will we decide who wins?"

"I don't know."

"I will post it on instagram" Max said.

"Wasn't it you, who was against phones?"

"Yes, this is exception" he winked.

He took a photo of both drawings and posted them on his insta story with a voting poll. Then he turned off his phone and took some picture with the camera.

He looked at her and stared for a few seconds."Naomi? I would like to take you on a date" he said.


Author's note: I'm not sure when next chapter will be uploaded, because I have so much things what I have to do. I'm sorry, it probably will not be tomorrow, maybe on thursday? Thank you for your support ♡

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