49. Madness

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Practice begun. Naomi started editing the ice bath video. She knew it will go viral, the smirk what he gave her looked good on the video.

She didn't watch practice, she was sure Max and Daniel will do fine.

When she finished editing it was already after the practice. Naomi took Carlos's shirt out of her bag, it was time to return it to him.

She put her things into a locker and went to the Ferrari's hospitality with Carlos's shirt in her hands. She saw him in front of the hospitality, he was giving an interview, Naomi had to wait.

She was texting on her phone until the interview was over. Carlos was looking at her. He quickly took some pictures with fans in the paddock. The fans spotted Lewis so luckily they left Carlos alone.

Naomi quickly went to him.

"Sorry, I won't bother you for long, I just came to give you your t-shirt back" she said.

"Keep it, it is yours now" he smiled.

"Are you sure?" she asked him.

"Yeah, also I would almost forget, I have something for you, can you wait a minute please?" Carlos asked her.

"Sure" Naomi assured him.

Carlos quickly ran somewhere. He was back almost immediately. In his hand was a rose bouquet.

"This is for you" he grinned.

Naomi looked around, luckily there weren't any cameras near them for now.

She took the roses from him.

"Thank you, but what is it for?" Naomi asked.

"Does it have to be for something? Can't I get flowers for a pretty girl?" Carlos smiled.

Naomi blushed, it was a very nice gesture. "Thank you, I like them a lot".

"No need to thank me, I will talk with you later ok? I have to get ready for the quali" he smiled.

"Alright...and Carlos, good luck in the quali" Naomi smiled.

"Thank you hermosa" he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. Naomi didn't expect it, but she didn't mind, Carlos was always very nice and sweet to her.

As Carlos was leaving Naomi heard a loud bang. She turned around only to see Max next to a knocked over trash can. His eyes were cold as ice and he was staring directly at her.

Naomi didn't like this situation at all. She quickly went back to the office.

On her way she picked up her stuff from the locker and started working again.

She worked until qualification. She went to the hospitality and found a seat near a big screen.

Q1 started, Naomi didn't expect any issues. Both Red Bull cars were performing more than well and Max was simply the best driver on the grid.

Naomi started answering some messages until she heard a commentary what caught her attention.

This is absolute madness!

Woah! It almost looks like he wants to block Carlos on purpose!

Yeah I agree, Max is under investigation now, but this will definitely be a grid penalty for him.

And Max blocked him again, Carlos was on his fast lap! This is unbeliviable!

What is Max Verstappen doing? Has he lost control of his car? This is extremely unfortunate situation for Carlos, he probably won't make it into a Q3!

On the screen appeared Max's radio. Christian was yelling. Max was cursing.

Naomi went pale, this was not good, actually this was terrible. Max must be crazy, this was too much even for him. If someone would suspect he really did it on purpose he could loose his seat.

There was nothing what she could do, she felt hopeless. She knew this is not some incident, he was doing it on purpose.

Carlos made it to Q2. Max didn't, his blocking didn't go unnoticed by FIA, he got disqualified and he will have to start from P20 on sunday.

Naomi was glad Carlos got into Q2, he was 15th but it didn't matter, because he got in. Naomi quickly went into the garage.

Max arrived into the pits and into the garage. He threw his steering wheel out of the car. Christian looked like he is about to go crazy.

"Are you out of you f*cking mind, what was that, stop throwing things, you will pay for them!" Christian yelled, he was trully angry.

One camera man started recording the garage. Christian covered his view and told him to go away. The camera man did, but Naomi knew this won't be good for PR.

Max got out of his car. Next thing what he smashed on the floor was his helmet.

Christian grabbed him by his race suit. "Calm the f*ck down" he said.

"I will not f*cking calm down, he is an as*hole he deserved all of this, I better not find him in the paddock or he will leave with a broken nose" Max was agressive.

Engineers looked taken back by this situation.

Naomi couldn't look at it anymore.

"Christian is right, calm down, stop causing a scene" Naomi said loudly and went closer to him.

"Don't talk to me Naomi" he said.

"I will, this was too much, way too much, this is absolutely not ok, can you deal with problems like a grown man? And not like a kid with a tantrum?!" Naomi said.

"You don't understand it" he said.

"I don't want to understand it, this is unacceptable, you owe him an apology and not just to him" she said.

"I will for sure not apologize to your f*cking boyfriend" he said with anger.

"He is not my boyfriend!" Naomi yelled at him.

Max went quiet.

"Enough!" said Christian loudly.

"Do you know how many problems we will have now?! We will be fixing this sh*t for ages. Your PR manager is furious, I am furious, we all are, do you understand what you did?" Christian continued.

"I don't f*cking care" Max said.

"He needs to calm down, it is hopeless to try to communicate with him right now" one of the engineeres said and placed a hand on Christian's shoulder to calm him down.

"Naomi, post the best content you have, we will need to do our best now, I have to try to talk to media, this will be a media storm. I am warning everyone here, no answering questions, we will come with an official statement" Christian said.

"And you! go for a run or do something to calm down, then we will talk" he added angrily to Max.

Naomi quickly posted the ice bath video.


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