67. Sleepover

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"Let's stay here" Max said suddenly. "I'm too tired to go back to the hotel."

"What? Here? I don't know, I don't have anything here" Naomi said.

"That's not a problem, I have spare items here, they are in my driver's room, I also have there a bed and a sofa, which can be turned into another bed" Max said.

"Is that even allowed, to stay here?" Naomi asked him.

"I don't know, I don't care" Max said.

"But I care, I don't want any more problems, I don't need to get fired Max, I feel like I'm pushing the limits, Christian was very unhappy with us today" Naomi said with a concern.

"Christian will not fire you" Max said with a bored tone.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because if he did, he would lose his favorite driver" Max winked.

Naomi stood there speechless, she couldn't believe, that Max would actually leave, if Christian would fire her.

"Did you get an electric shock Naomi? It looks like that, you are scaring me."

Naomi shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"If you say so- what do you think about a walk around the paddock?" Max asked.

"Hmm, fine" she said.

"Ok, I believe there are still some mechanics in the garage, but they probably won't snitch."

"Snitch? So I was right, this is not allowed" Naomi frowned.

"I said, that I don't know, I have never done this before" Max said.

"You have a negative impact on me" Naomi said jokingly.

"I know" he mumbled. "Let's go for a walk."

They walked outside, Max gave Naomi his jacket. They walked around garages, most of them still had lights turned on and there were few people working on multiple different things.

She was stunned by the paddock at night, it was empty and so beautiful, she knew, that this was something, what most of the people will never be able to see.

She looked at Max to see if he also enjoys it, but his eyes were only focused on her.

"Your eyes are glowing" he said quietly.

"I'm just happy to be here" Naomi quietly responded.

Naomi took a few photos, she saw on her screen, that it is already 2 am.

"Max, oh my god, it is so late and you have qualifying tomorrow, actually- not tomorrow, but today!" she said with a worry.

"I don't care about the quali"

"You don't care? What do you mean? You always care?"

"Maybe my priorities changed" he said quietly for himself, but Naomi could still hear him. "You are right, we should go" he said with a strange tone.

They went to his driver's room. Max started searching in a small wardrobe, what was there, for some things. He pulled out a new toothbrush, toothpaste and a towel, he gave it to her. "Here you go, what do you want to wear?" he asked her.

"You have a lots of things here" she said.

"Yeah, you never know, when you will need them, so what do you want to wear?"

"I don't care, pick something" she said.

Max gave her a hoodie, sweatpants and boxers. She took it from him. She found makeup wipes in her bag, luckily she was always carrying them with her and this time it really payed off.

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