55. Bad guy

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They walked into the Christian's office together. Naomi expected Max's father to be in the office, but she was happy when she realised he isn't there.

"Max, Naomi, take a seat" Christian said.

"Let's start first with the most important thing, Max, since now your father is banned from the Red Bull, he won't be able to get to the hospitality, to the garage and other places" Christin said, he was staring at Max, waiting for his reaction.

"Good" Max said.

"Good? Are you not mad? I have explanation prepared" Christian looked surprised by Max's calm reaction.

"No need, he won't be attacking Naomi, I don't want him here."

"Great, that was way more easier than I thought" Christian said.

"Are you sure?" Naomi whispered to Max, she agreed with this decision, but after all he was still his father and she didn't want him to make this decision just because of her.

"I am sure Naomi" Max said.

"Ok, that's all- and Max, I know you don't want to hear it, but you did a great job today, I just want to say that I'm proud of you" Christin said.

"Hmm, is that all?" Max said, clearly irritated by his words.

"Yeah that's all, you can go" Christian said.

"Naomi, let's go."

"Wait for Naomi outside, I want to have a word with her too" Christian said.

"Sorry, Christian I didn't want to be rude to his father and tell him to leave, I know it is not my job to do so" Naomi said when the door closed behind Max.

"I'm glad you did that, Max needs support not constant yelling, but his father clearly doesn't get it. Max is difficult but-" Naomi interupted him, before he could finish his sentence.

"No, I think I understand it now Christian, I don't think Max is difficult, I think he is just misunderstood and sometimes hot-headed" Naomi said, she didn't know where these words were coming from, but she knew they were truth.

"Fine, that's all from me."

Naomi opened the door, to leave the office, but Max almost fell on her.

"Were you listening?" Naomi asked him.

"Me? no...I was just, cleaning the door" Max said.

"Cleaning the door? Yeah sure" Naomi rolled her eyes.

She walked through the door frame and closed behind her. She heard how Christian chuckled behind the door.

"Misunderstood? What did you mean?" Max asked.

"Oh wow you quickly stopped with pretending that you didn't listen" Naomi rolled her eyes.

"I'm waiting" Max said.

"Don't search something between the lines, I meant exactly what I said" Naomi said truthfully.

"Naomi, I need you to know that I'm a bad guy, I'm not misunderstood, I'm just not a good person" Max said, his face was serious, he fully believed to his words.

"Why don't you let me judge what kind of person you are? Your judgement is clearly clouded" Naomi said.

"You will not like the truth" Max said.

"Maybe I will."

"You should stay away from me." Max looked very serious.

"Stop telling me what to do, I'm a grown woman, I know what I'm doing. Also I should stay away? You are always near me."

"Yeah, because it seems like I can't stay away from you, sorry I will work on it" Max said quietly and started walking away from her.

"Max-" her words were useless. Max was gone, Naomi felt a weird emptiness inside of her.

Naomi went to the hotel on her own, her head was full of random thoughts. She changed into a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants.

She didn't really know what she was doing when she lightly knocked on Max's door.

Max opened. "Naomi? you should go away."

"Would you like to go for a dinner?" Naomi ignored his words.

"I just explained to you that I'm a bad person and now you are asking me to go for a dinner with you? Naomiiiii, why do you always have to make things so complicated."

"Please" Naomi said with a pleading look.

"We can't-...fine, I will go, I just- f*ck, let's go" Max said.

Naomi grinned.

"Should I go change into a different clothes?" Max asked her.

"You don't have to, I would like to do something more casual if you want to? also we will probably have to grab some fast food, I think all other restaurants are already closed, it is late."

"Yeah I agree, what about to go for a drive and have some McDonald's?" Max suggested.

"Yeah I would love that" Naomi smiled.


Author's note: 50k reads? I'm shocked, ily ♡

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