5. Dinner

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Naomi was grateful that she packed some more fancy dresses. Daniel gave her his number earlier and when she texted him what she is supposted to wear he told her it is a fancy event, because it is a celebration of a first race week of the season and also a celebration of Max's win.

She picked out a red full lenght gown with open back. She did a blowout to give her blonde hair more volume. Her makeup was simple, but she decided to add red lipstick.

When she looked into a mirror she had to admit she looked beautiful.

She took her louboutins and red purse and went outside.

Kate was already waiting for her. Kate had nice blue dress what complimented her skintone.

"Hi Kate, you look beautiful" Naomi said with a smile.

"Likewise Naomi" she said and winked. "Now let's go so we are not late".

We arrived in front of a fancy restaurant.

"Christian booked this whole restaurant for tonight" Kate said.

Naomi was nervous, but she was happy that she will meet new people and possibly make a new friends.

When they walked in she saw a long table where many people were already seated. When she came closer she saw it is not just one long table but many tables putted together to create one long table so everyone will have a place.

Christian saw her and greeted her. She took a seat next to Kate. Soon enough came Daniel and pulled her into a hug.

"You look breath taking" he said to her and to her surprise he decided to sit next to her. After a while Max arrived too. He sat across the table near her, because almost all other seat were already taken.

He gave her and Daniel a nasty look and started talking with his race engineer who was next to him.

Neomi talked with Kate and Daniel and had a great time. She started conversation with some mechanics and enjoyed the night.

Dinner was awesome. Food was really delicious and she enjoyed every bite. Naomi completely ignored Max.

After the dinner the restaurant opened a bar on the other side of the room, they turned a music on and dinner turned into a party.

Naomi didn't really drink, but she decided to make an exception this time. She ordered a champagne and continued her conversation with Daniel and Kate.

Daniel then went to talk with some mechanics and Naomi and Kate decided to dance.

They danced for quite long until Kate told her she needs to use a restroom and left. Naomi went to a bar. She ordered another glass of champagne.

Max came to her. He looked drunk, but not completely wasted. He scanned her body before he started talking.

"Oh, miss sunhine is here" he said mockingly.

Naomi decided to ignore him. She won't let him ruin this night.

"Ignoring me huh? You can't speak?" he said.

"What do you want?" Naomi said calmly.

"I came to warn you, noone lasts here, especially someone like you, you will quit this job in less than a month and I will make sure of it" he said with evil smirk.

Her eyes started watering again, she didn't understand why he hates her so much.

Daniel came to them."What is your problem mate?" Daniel asked him.

"I have no problem, we were just having a little conversation" he answered still with his evil smirk.

Daniel turned to Naomi "Let's go, I didn't drink, I will drive you back".

"No you won't, you should be here. I can take a taxi" Naomi said to him.

Daniel tried to argue with her, but she didn't let him convice her.

Naomi was about to leave when she saw how Max was still smirking. No, she won't let him win.

The music changed into a slower music and she went straight to Daniel.

"Let's dance" she said.

He smiled and grabbed her waist, they slowly started dancing into the rhytm.

When song ended another slow song started playing, she wanted to keep dancing with Daniel, but Christian interrupted them.

"May I?" he asked.

Daniel stepped back

"Sure" Naomi said. She started dancing with Christian.

"Naomi, I saw there was some kind of argument between you and Max?" he said while slowly dancing with her.

"Yes, I'm sorry Christian. I know it is not right for me to argue with him" she said and looked down. He was the world champion and she was just a social media admin. This was bad.

"No no no, you don't understand me, I am not mad at you, this is not your fault. I know Max, he can be a little bit...hmm...difficult. I just came to tell you that you need to keep him in line. Don't let him be rude to you, he might be the World Champion but he should still treat others with respect" he said.

"Also next week you are starting to do a content and there might be a problem with Max. I want to let you know, that it is in his contract that he has to do his social media duties so if he will be causing problems, just let me know and I will handle it, and don't worry. I will remind it to him" he added.

"Thank you Christian" she said with honest smile.

Atleast someone was on her side. Song ended and Christian returned back to the group of mechanics.

Next song started playing and Daniel asked her to dance one more time.

"Everything alright? What did he want?" he asked.

"Yes it is fine, he was actually really kind to me and told me, he will put Max in line if it will be needed" Naomi said.

"Yeah, Christian is a good man" Daniel said with a smile.

The rest of the night was amazing. Max left and Naomi danced with Daniel and some mechanics, it was a great night.

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