26. Supermarket

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They walked into a supermarket. Luckily for them, there weren't many people.

Naomi realised their mistake almost immediately. Sunglasses inside of the shop were drawing even more attention.

"Guys take off that sunglasses" she said quietly.

"Why?" Daniel whispered.

Naomi started to feel stressed, this wasn't a good idea. Everyone was turning their heads.

"Just do it, we are inside and people are looking" she whispered.

Daniel took off his sunglasses and Carlos did the same. Max still had his on. Naomi didn't feel like explaining to him, why he should take them off, she just went to him and took them off.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing, we are here undercover and you are ruining it" Max said quite loudly.

"Can you be quiet, you are drawing attention to us, if you have problem with acting normal, then you should have stayed at the house" Naomi whispered.

Some grandma looked at the Max "Undercover? What did you mean young man? I hope you are not here to steal something" the old lady said, she looked at them with suspicion.
Naomi felt embarrasment.

"No, we are just training a scenario for our theater play" Naomi said, trying to save a situation.

"Scenario?" the lady asked, she was still suspicious, Naomi understood it, she told her a very bad excuse.

"Oh yeah, do you know the Ricciardo theater? We play there, this is our original scenario" Naomi lied, obviously she wasn't a good liar.

Guys weren't helpful at all, they just stood there quietly.

"I don't know the Ricciardo theatre, but tell me why are these young men wearing hoodies and have hoods on like some thieves, what will people think about them" the lady said.

"You don't know?? Wow it is a really famous theatre, I though everyone knew. Also guys this lovely lady is right, take off your hoods" Naomi said with a fake smile.

They did, Daniel still had a wig on. This played into Naomi's cards.

"Oh, you forgot your wig on, we have to bring it back into a costume room" she said.

The lady looked at Daniel's wig and that was probably something what made her belive to Naomi's words.

"I see, well have a wonderful play, I will tell my grandson to find me the Ricciardo theatre on the internet, so I can come to see you play" said the lady.

"That will be absolutely wonderful, we will be very happy to see you" Naomi said with huge and fake smile.

Then they went into a different aisle.

"Naomi that was a really poor excuse" said Daniel.

"Thanks, instead of being helpful you just stood there like a donkey, wonderful" she said with sarcasm.

Max chuckled.

"And you?! Why are you laughing? You did the same" she said.

They all went quiet.

"Sorry Naomi, I didn't know what to say" said Carlos.

Naomi calmed down a little bit. "It is ok, sorry I am just stressed".

"Sorry Naomi" said Daniel.

"No don't apologize, I'm sorry for my words about the donkey, that was not nice" she said.

"Nah, you were right" said Daniel and grinned.

"Danny, what do we need? I think we should separate, we will be faster" she said.

"Vegetables, meat, pastry, honestly I don't really know, just take everything you want, I will go to the meat section" Daniel said.

Naomi didn't wait any longer and she went to grab another cart. She stopped by a vegetable section and started throwing in all the things what she thought they will need. It was the same in the fruit section. She saw Max who was coming to her with hands full of bags of chips. He threw them inside of the cart.

"Couldn't you just grab another cart? That would be more effective" she said and rolled her eyes.

Naomi saw bunch of people coming to them. It was immediately obvious someone recognized Max.

"Sh*t" Naomi cursed quietly. The group came to them and started taking photos with Max. Naomi helped them to take some photos. Then they left.

Naomi quickly grabbed her phone. She pressed Daniel's name in her contacts and waited. She heard phone ringing from another side of the shop. He picked up. "Naomi why are you calling? We are literally in the same shop?" Daniel said with confusion.

"Is Carlos with you?" Naomi whispered. Max was looking at her.

"Yes, why?" he said.

"Some people recognized Max I think it is time to go, I hope you have everything what you needed" she said and hung up.

She quickly went to a cash register, Max was right behind her. Daniel and Carlos were already by a second cash register and a cashier was scanning their things.

Naomi started throwing things from the cart on a conveyor belt. For once Max was trying to help and he also started putting things there. The cashier was slowly scanning all the things. Naomi finally emptied her cart and she quickly moved to the other side to place scanned things in paper bags.

The cashier was done. Naomi opened her purse to find her wallet, but before she could even see the wallet Max swiped with his card and payed for it.

"You didn't have to" she said to Max, but he ignored her.

Daniel and Carlos were waiting for them. They had some bags in their hands and Max grabbed the rest of the bags from Naomi's card. Naomi returned the cart and they walked out.

Naomi thought this little disaster is over, but that was far from the truth.

On the parking lot were so many people and they all were surrouding their cars.

"We can't go there, there's just too many people" Carlos said.

Naomi knew he is right.


Author's note: Wow, thank you so much for voting :) I appreciate it <3

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