98. Scared

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Utter shock.

Naomi didn't answer, she felt like she went mute, unable to form a sentence and unable to move.

"Finally I found you."

"How?" Naomi said trying to keep her voice from shaking, unsuccesfully.

"It is not so complicated when your pretty face is all over news."

Naomi scanned a face of a man what once meant so much for her, unable to see anything else than a monster what was hiding behind his eyes.

"Go away" Naomi said. Staring at a man what she once loved, until he became her worst nightmare.

"No, you belong to me" he said with an evil smirk.

"No. No, I don't belong to you" Naomi said, this time more firmly, she won't let him ruin her life again, she wasn't that naive girl anymore.

"We were so good together baby, stop playing" her ex boyfriend said.

"I am not playing, I am happily taken, so leave me alone, we are done."

"I saw you are dating that famous d*ck. So now I am not good enough for you huh? You are such a sl*t and golddigger."

"This isn't about money, I love him" Naomi said quietly.

"You loved me too, nothing special about it. I bet he doesn't f*ck as good as I do."

"I am leaving" Naomi said and tried to walk past him into the hotel.

"Stop" he said loudly.

Naomi looked at him. He slightly lifted his t-shirt. Naomi felt like she will faint, she saw why he lifted his t-shirt, there was a gun behind his belt and he wanted her to see it.

"Let's not make a scene here" he evily smirked.

Naomi knew he is an as*hole, but this was a whole new level, it seemed like he went absolutely insane.

Naomi looked around, there still weren't many people, only a few and she didn't want to risk that he will hurt someone.

"What do you want?" Naomi asked.

"You" he said without a hesitation.

"I think you should go home" she said.

"Not without you."

"Naomi!" she heard a very familiar voice and almost cried of a relief. She saw Carlos walking towards them.

Her ex looked at him with annoyance and then looked at her. "Just a recommendation, stay away from Verstappen, you are mine or it will have consequenses, maybe I will pay a nice visit to your parents
...until next time doll" he said and winked.

Carlos reached them. "Is there any problem?" he asked.

"Not at all, I am leaving" her ex said and disgustingly smiled, he really did as he said and left.

Naomi was pale, she didn't know what to do and fear started consuming her.

"Naomi? Naomi?! Are you alright?" Carlos asked with a concerned tone.

"Sure" Naomi said, but she felt like her voice doesn't even belong to her, she felt like a ghost.

"Can I accompany you to your room?" Carlos asked.

Naomi shook her head and walked past Carlos without a word, to the hotel.

She reached her hotel room and unlocked. Max was awake, he frowned when he saw her. "Naomi?"

She ignored him too and walked past him and started throwing things into her suitcase.

"What are you doing?" Max asked with a confusion and concern.

Naomi had to hold back tears. "I am packing, there is an emergency and I have to leave for now. I will be there for the GP ok?" she said.

"No, what is going on?" Max asked.

"I will explain it to you later alright, I just really have to leave now."

"Did I do anything wrong? Just talk to me Naomi" Max said, concern in his voice was getting stronger.

"I can't" she whispered and closed her suitcase. She picked it up and stormed out of the room, she left many of her things in the room, but she didn't care at all. Tears started forming in her eyes and she could barely see.

She almost bumped into Daniel who was on his way to their room.He said something, but she didn't listen and walked past him.

Daniel was left standing there with Max.

Naomi left the hotel, she didn't know where she was going. She stopped a taxi and got in. "Can you drive me to some hotel what is on an outskirts of the city?" she asked the driver.

He nooded and did as she asked. He parked in front of a nice looking hotel and Naomi paid.

She went outside and asked for a room. Luckily for her, they had one room available so she was able to check in.

Meanwhile in the hotel

Max and Daniel went for a dinner in the hotel. Max tried to call Naomi multiple times, but she didn't pick up.

Some other drivers went for a dinner too and Daniel went to Carlos and Lando who were near a salad bar.

Max tried to call Naomi again, but she didn't pick up again. He sighed and went to Daniel, Carlos and Lando.

Is Naomi feeling better?" Carlos asked Max when he came to them.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Max asked him.

"I found her in the morning in front of the hotel, she was talking with a man and she looked very sick, I just want to make sure she is alright."

"With a man?" Max asked.

"Yes, she seemed uncomfortable and that man was weird, so I went to them, but the man left immediately."

"I have to go" Max said, he turned around to leave, but then stopped himself. "And Carlos? Thank you and sorry for everything" Max said. It something, what he should have said much earlier and he was aware of it.

"No worries, I get it Max, so we are all good?" Carlos asked.

"All good, if you will ever be able to forgive me my behaviour" Max said, as this words were leaving his mouth he felt strange feeling of satisfaction, satisfaction of doing something what was right and correct for once.

Everyone was staring at them. Max ignored them all. He owed this to Carlos.

"I was jealous of you" Max admitted "It doesn't excuse my actions towards you, but I hope you will be able to forgive me one day" he added.

"I forgive you, I understand it" Carlos smiled.

"Thanks" Max said.

Max looked at their audience, they all didn't try to hide their surprise. Max looked at Lando. "You overfilled it" he smirked and left.

Lando cursed. As he was pouring a juice he wasn't looking, overfilled his glass and spilled juice everywhere.


Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. Ily 🥹❤️
(I had to post a new chapter, it would be too cruel to let you all wait for a new one, especially because of the ending of the last one haha)

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