27. Taxi

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"We should call a taxi" Naomi said.

"What? Leave our cars here?" Daniel asked.

"Obviously...We can come to pick them up at night" she said.

"I don't want to leave my Valkyrie here" Max said.

"Guess what? That's your problem, you didn't even have to bring your car. This is just consequenses of your own actions" Naomi snapped at him.

"I agree with Naomi" Carlos said.

Max gave him digusted look. "Of course you do, clown".

Naomi knew they don't have time for some stupid arguing. "Carlos, can you please call a taxi".

"Of course" he gave her a warm smile.

Naomi led them to a small alley what was behind the shop. Carlos was on the phone trying to explain to a taxi driver where they are.

Carlos hung up. "He will be there in 5 minutes".

They all stood there quietly. Naomi took her work phone out of her purse.

"Can I take some pictures while we are waiting?" she asked.

Max rolled his eyes, but didn't complain, she took some pictures of him and Daniel together. Then she grabbed her own phone and took some pictures just for herself as a memories. She took a selfie with Daniel.

"Can I take a pic with you?" Naomi asked Carlos.

"I thought you will never ask" he said with a big smile. He gently grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Naomi took a few pictures.

Max looked disgusted. He was staring daggers at Carlos.

"Wait, I want to take some pics for myself too" said Carlos and took a few photos on his phone.

Taxi finally arrived. Daniel sat in the front and Naomi ended up in the back between Carlos and Max. The taxi was really small and they were packed there. Naomi liked having a personal space so this wasn't really an ideal situation for her.

Naomi was more pressed to Carlos, she tried to keep her distance from Max. Max was constantly looking at her and Carlos.

Carlos placed his arm over her shoulders, Naomi didn't mind it was a friendly gesture.

"Stop the car, I am feeling sick!" Max said.

The taxi driver didn't wait for anything and stopped immediately when it was possible, he didn't want anyone to throw up in his car.

Max got out of car.

"How can he feel sick? He literally drives for living" Naomi asked.

Max was pacing outside. Then he came back.

"We need to switch seats. I want to sit in the middle, I feel sick from this window seat" he said.

Naomi didn't say anything and got out of the car so they could switch seats. She sat back in the car and they continued their drive.

Max was finally quiet and stopped looking so angry.


They arrived back to the house pretty late. The shopping trip took way longer then they expected. When they came inside Lando was sleeping on a couch and Alex and Charles were nowhere to be seen.

Carlos looked around. "Let's do the bonfire tomorrow" he said.

Naomi nodded, it was late, they had nothing prepared and Lando was already sleeping.

"Ok I agree, but what about our cars?" Daniel asked them.

"I think you guys should set your alarms for like 3 in the morning and take a taxi to the shop" Naomi said.

"Wait what do you mean with "you"? Are you not going with us?" Daniel asked.

"It is kind of unnecessary for me to go, my car isn't there" Naomi said.

"And that's where you are wrong, we need you. Did you not see the chaos what we experienced today?" Daniel said.

For Naomi it was too much of the chaos for one day, but Daniel was her friend and she wanted to help him.

"Fine, so set up your alarms for 3 am and please Danny order the taxi in advance so we don't have to wait" she said and went to her room.


Alarm woke her up at 3am. She changed into a big black hoodie and black leggins. Her dark circles under the eyes looked riddiculous. She quickly did a messy bun and went downstairs.

They were already waiting for her. Daniel didn't even bother to change from his pajamas.

Outside of the house was already waiting a taxi. They took the same seats as they had before.

Taxi driver had to wake them all up when they arrived. Daniel payed him and they walked into the parking lot, it was empty. This time Naomi decided she will go with Carlos.

She sat into his car and Carlos smiled at her. Daniel was first one who left the parking lot. Naomi and Carlos were behind him, behind them was Max.

"I know one nice place here, would you like to see it?" Carlos asked her.

Naomi had to think about it, she was really tired, but the sky was so clear that she could see the moon and the stars, this night felt perfect for discovering a new place.

"Sure" she said and smiled.

Carlos turned left and they drove away from a main road.



I'm sorry but I have to change my update schedule because of uni, for now it will be one new chapter a day, sometimes two. 

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