Monza ≪◦ ❈ ◦≫ Lando Norris

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The crowd went mad.

Half of them were cheering on the 10-time Grand Prix winner for breaking a world record, the rest exclaiming in agony at how close Ferrari was to breaking the curse. But all were, nonetheless, extremely happy and excited. The race was better than the last 8 for sure. Verstappen, Perez and Sainz drove up to the front, climbing out of their cars and cheering with the crowd.

It took a while for me to find Lando when he came into the lockers in the back. He had made his way directly into his private resting room and was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. He looked tired, almost as if he were crying. He had a towel around his neck and his cap was on the ground in front of him.

I slowed my pace while stepping to him and kneeling on the ground in front of him. My fingertips found his warm hands, pulling them off his face to reveal his deep ocean eyes. When his stare met mine, I felt my heart skip a beat in excitement. He stayed silent instead and looked down at me holding his hands and gently caressing all his lines and imperfections.

"Lando," I whispered and his eyes darted up to mine, which received him warmly and with love, "I'm proud of you."

And then he released it. A simple sniffle, released a couple of tears from his eyes. I pushed myself up onto my knees and took him into a tight hug. He quietly accepted, holding tightly. Lando buried his face into the crook of my neck, searching for comfort, which I gladly offered. I didn't care that he was sweaty from his helmet and let my fingertips wander through his curly hair.

His crying slowly calmed again and his breath turned deeper. He took his time before ultimately pulling back with his hands still around my waist to keep me close. I wiped away the tears from his cheeks.

"The whole future still awaits," I whispered, making him chuckle at my posh accent. And there it shone. His sweet little smile.

I stood up, holding onto his hand: "Come on, Mr. Norris, as much as I'm proud of you, the showers here are free and very much necessary."

He laughed at my comment and I joined in. Lando stopped to look at me and stepped closer to me. I looked up into his eyes and nodded at him. He nodded back and just before I was going to lean in, he took a step back and headed towards the showers, leaving me behind with a blush on my face.


His hand gripped mine tightly as we walked out of the lockers and onto the back entrance, where Lando's escort was waiting for us. It was a black Cadillac Escalade, one of those that the government has following the President around. Other drivers were also trying to make their way to their chauffeurs, but the amount of fans cheering loudly and trying to get in through the back fences was unbearable.

One of the fans managed to run past the security guard and made her way towards Lewis. He was startled and thrown off balance, falling back onto the ground. Security immediately grabbed the girl, pushing her back into the crowd. We saw George rush over to help his teammate and Lewis thanked him.

Lando stopped walking to make eye contact with Hamilton, just to make sure he was good. The fellow Englishman nodded a simple 'thank you' and turned towards his escort, climbing into his seat. Not all the drivers were already leaving, but it was easier this way rather than having everyone leave at the same time.

It was stressful, to say the least, but we managed to get to our escort right before fans stormed through the fences, getting close to the cars and knocking on the doors and windows while shouting. Luckily the stained glass windows allowed for some privacy, as well as the locks on the doors. Our driver very patiently and slowly tried to make his way through the growing crowd, but it was difficult. The race had been a success and a very good one, to say the least. This prompted many to join the fiesta.

We sat silently next to each other, one of his arms around my waist while I held his hand, gently caressing it and running my fingertips over his knuckles. It calmed him- as it always had. Lando was tired. And he wasn't hiding it, either. So he rested his head on my shoulder again. This time his hair smelled like aloe vera and fresh water.

"You all right?" I asked, intertwining our fingers. As a response, his other arm made its way around my waist to join the other three intertwined hands. He nodded against my neck, leaving behind a little kiss.

I sighed and leaned back against his chest when the car was finally able to drive onto the road. Although the hotel was mere minutes away and we had walked to the circuit this morning, the drive back was necessary due to obvious security reasons which have been made pretty clear already.


"Hey, Lan?"


I stepped away from the kitchen sink when I finished doing the dishes from our dinner, searching for the Englishman. After drying my hands and hanging the cloth back on the wall, I made my way to our bedroom, where I found my practically dead boyfriend sleeping on the bed. He wasn't even under the covers, and still wearing jeans and a hoodie.

My heart melted at the sight and I made sure to take a picture of the scene before putting my phone away, taking my own quick shower, slipping into one of Lando's shirts and slipping on my underwear. I brushed my hair and teeth and then stepped over to our bed, taking off his socks, as well as carefully taking off his jeans. They were cutting off the air circulation around his legs. While trying to take off his sweater so that he didn't sweat all night, he shifted his position to the side. Luckily I had already removed the arm that was now buried under the pillow.

When his hoodie was off, I pulled the covers over him and turned the lights down. He looked so peaceful. Exhausted from the race, mentally and physically drained, however still angelic. His sweet curls seemed soft, his expression at ease. I slipped under the covers myself and grabbed my book, continuing to read.

It didn't take long before Lando shifted his position once more, this time reaching out, possibly to grab something. One of his hands slid right over my thighs and held on tightly. I looked at the clock on the wall- midnight. This was usually the time we went to bed. So I put the book away, clicked off the remaining lights and slid down next to Lando.

He immediately grabbed my figure and held on tightly. I knew he was awake, it was just a state in which he didn't speak yet, but simply nodded or shook his head.

"Hi baby," I whispered, kissing his cheek. He smiled, letting one of his hands wander under my shirt. The other made its way up to my cheek and neck, caressing them gently.

He pulled me in and let our lips gently touch in a soft kiss. When we released, he kept his eyes closed, but whispered clearly: "Thank you."

I smiled, kissing him again. This caused him to pull me in even closer and squeeze my thigh. I chuckled at the feeling and he grinned, kissing my forehead before pulling me in even closer.

"Goodnight darling," he whispered.

"Goodnight, Lando."


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