face time

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caregiver chan

little jeongin

Seungmin went back home to see his family but innie missed him.

Loud crying echoed throughout the whole dorm. No body got a rest. Changbin sitting on the couch watching the wailing boy on the ground while Felix looks like he's about to cry while watching the poor boy.
The rest of the members are trying to get the boy to calm down.

Lee know stood back having enough of this his earns are about to bleed. He went to his room to catch his phone and started to dial Chan Hyung.
"Hey lingo? What's up"
"Innie is having a meltdown ever since you left I don't know what to do Hyung" Lino whined
"Wow never ever have imagined lee know to be whining"
"Shut up or I'm going to steal your computer"
"Ok ok why is innie crying?"
"Because you left him without saying anything to him!"
"I'm sorry I thought it would be better!"
"Well it's not, anyways I'm not here to argue"
"Ask him if he wants to call me later tonight I can't right now, I left my parents just to answer you"
"Ok I'll text you when I get him to clam down and answer me"
"Alright bye" lee know hung up ready to fight this kid.

Lino walked down seeing innie kicked around with Hyunjin standing in a corner with his hands out like he's protecting himself. "Innie bubs I need you to clam down"
Innie I need you clam down so you can listen. He want calming down anytime soon.

I braved up graves his paci out it in his mouth and picked him up. I bounced him until he fell asleep.
"How'd you do that Hyung I risked my life trying to touch him" the drama lama asked "remember I'm the one who can actually deal with children" lino glared at him then placed innie on changbin a lap.

"Felix and seungmin can y'all go and set up my phone on the table with blankets and innies baby stuff."
Without asking they ran into action.

Time skip

I went over to innies room to wake him up since chan said he is done with all his family stuff. "Hey baby innie we need you to wake up." He started movie then opened his eyes and looked at me. I could tell he wanted to cry so I took him in my embrace "I know you miss Channie baby so we set up an face time for y'all"

His eyes shinned. "Yeah baby let's go so you can call your dada"
He jumped up ready to go. We walked into my room and I set him down on the fluffy chair with his baby stuff. He saw his Paci and put it in his mouth. I dialed Chan so we could start this call

Chan Hyung
Accept / decline

"Hey lino everything set up"
"Yep hold on let me face call"

"Alright" innie bubs you ready"
He nodded quickly and grabby hands
Lino out in on front of him and saw chan
"Channie!" Innie banked Beuh f the Paci
"Hey baby someone is excited hm" chan laughed lightly
"M miss channie"
"I miss you baby but let's spend this time alright hon"
Chan and I.n talked for hours until innie started getting tired.
"Aww someone is sleepy.. you should he's to sleep baby"
"Nooo no leave channie"
"Can you tell lino to come here baby"
He whined but went fetch lino they came back and he waved at Chan

"Hey babe can you sleep with innie tonight so he sleep with me on call he's getting tired" he nodded and grabbed the phone putting it on the pillow then he picked up innie putting him in bed and covering him with his fluffy blue blanket

"Hey innie baby" Chan called out for his lovely little
Innie looked at him with whose big brown doe orbs
"I love you baby"
"Innie loved chu too" he tried to get out. Chan chucked "good night hun" innie fell asleep quick and then Lino did. Chan sat there for a couple minutes adoring his babies until he feel asleep.

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