we will find them! pt2

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There was one large bed with a bunch of female clothing layed all over it. They had costume skirts crop tops corsets and a lot of children toys. "Please don't let this be what I think it" seungmin mumbled. Jisung sat on the bed look happy.. he slipped.

"Pick what you want then separate in each Corner of the bed. Jisung was happy about it but everyone else wasn't because they knew
Everyone had their stuff picked out and laied it i front of them. There now was four men next to each of the boys.

They started to undress them, everyone froze and freaked out "w-what are you doing?" What does it look like? You need to wear the clothes"
Felix pov

I was so scared I didn't want anyone to see me. It wasn't long until we were all dressed in the cloth I was trying to not to slip because I knew i was get exited like sungie but I needed to hold back. They had 4 girls come they looked like our age and just as scared. Once they were in the said one word 'play.' Then they left. We all got out our corner and huddle together what is this?" I asked freaked out "it's basically a secret where house where men find littles and keep them in this house saying they can give them a better life" I look at her like I was about to cry "I- I wanna go home I sobbed. Seungmin came over and hugged me. A man came in and yelled at us to play together or he would drive I shook my head no and he came up to me and slapped my face. "Play or you will regret it." The man came closer and he picked me up placed me on his slap slipping my pants half way down and spanked me. W..T..F once he was done he left me and I already slipped "d-dada" Jeongin felt so bad and rubbed my back saying it will be better
Time skip

Everyone had someone slipped and no one seen the men in hours suddenly a loud bang was heard and I herd our members voices
No one pov

Hyunjin and Chan managed to figure out who the men where. They broke it an d started fighting the men tying to keep them out. Lee know and changbin tan to find the little. "FOUDN THEM" changbin screamed lee know walked it holding a crying Felix and the others where passed out on bed. When the police got there they took the men in a the girls where brought back with their family's apparently they had been held hostage their for 2 years now. Hyunjin and Chan came in and everyone picked up a little Ande made their way to the car. Jeongin seungmin and Jisung where still sleeping and Felix was covered una blanket trying to make him feel better.

They finally got home everyone was awake and no longer little. They explained what happened and everyone felt bad for them. "We will never leave y'all alone again and y'all can't say no" everyone chuckled and did a group hug. The decided to all sleep together so soemthing like this can't happen again. Everyone changed and the maknaes were so happy to be back in clothes they enjoyed. Everyone ate and went to cuddling to sleep the maknaes int eh middle the nothing will happen. In the end everyone got to be together and the promise to not let anything bad happen again. It may take a while for the littles to get better and feel safe around others but they don't have to worry as long as they are with their lovely protecting members. How lucky are they..

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